R programming and sum up columns with different date column -

actually, wanted sum column send_invites , member_received_invites id, here created doi_date adding 30 days month1 month1 adding 30 days , getting month2 etc upto 12 months

now, need sum above using date_created column range of date doi_date month1 date sum month 1 value

next date range month1 date month2 date in date_created column sum month2 etc, need sequence of id's

can please me rcode thank you

id  country_code    send_invites    member_received_invites doi_date1   date_created1   month1  month2  month3 1170309479   1   1   12/22/2016  1/14/2017   1/21/2017   2/20/2017   3/22/2017 1167268031   1   1   12/4/2016   1/6/2017    1/3/2017    2/2/2017    3/4/2017 1168417033   1   1   12/11/2016  1/6/2017    1/10/2017   2/9/2017    3/11/2017 1133456595  ca  1   1   10/31/2016  12/13/2016  11/30/2016  12/30/2016  1/29/2017 1026176359  ca  1   1   7/8/2016    9/20/2016   8/7/2016    9/6/2016    10/6/2016 1170285089  gb  1   1   12/23/2016  12/23/2016  1/22/2017   2/21/2017   3/23/2017 


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