c# - Generate Dynamic Linq query using outerIt -

i using microsoft's dynamic linq (system.linq.dynamic) library generate queries @ run time. has worked great me, 1 specific scenario.

simplified scenario - trying query claims have specific tags user has selected , balance greater number.

static void main(string[] args)     {         var claims = new list<claim>();         claims.add(new claim { balance = 100, tags = new list<string> { "blah", "blah blah" } });         claims.add(new claim { balance = 500, tags = new list<string> { "dummy tag", "dummy tag 1" } });          // tags searched         var tags = new list<string> { "new", "blah" };         var parameters = new list<object>();         parameters.add(tags);          var query = claims.asqueryable().where("tags.any(@0.contains(outerit)) , balance > 100", parameters.toarray());     }  public class claim {     public decimal? balance { get; set; }     public list<string> tags { get; set; } } 

this query throws error:

an unhandled exception of type 'system.linq.dynamic.parseexception' occurred in system.linq.dynamic.dll additional information: no property or field 'balance' exists in type 'string'

dynamic linq parser seems try find balance property on tag , not on claim object.

  • i have tried play around outerit, innerit, it keywords in dynamic linq none of seems work.
  • changing sequence works, that's not option me, since in real application filters, operators , patterns dynamic (configured end user).
  • boxing conditions in brackets (), doesn't help.
  • workaround - create simple contains condition every tag selected e.g. tags.contains("new") or tags.contains("blah") etc.. in real application results in complex / bad query each condition , kills performance.

i might missing or bug in library.

i appreciate if me this.

found a/the bug in parseaggregate... pushing of itouterit , doesn't work if there multiple levels. code supposes it , outerit won't changed third party before being reset (technically code isn't reentrant). can try other variants of system.linq.dynamic (there 2 or 3 variants out of there). variants have fixed it.

or can take code linked site , recompile inside code (in end "original" system.linq.dynamic single cs file) , can patch this:

expression parseaggregate(expression instance, type elementtype, string methodname, int errorpos) {     // change starts here     var originalit = it;     var originalouterit = outerit;     // change ends here      outerit = it;     parameterexpression innerit = expression.parameter(elementtype, elementtype.name);     = innerit;     expression[] args = parseargumentlist();      // change starts here     = originalit;     outerit = originalouterit;     // change ends here      methodbase signature;     if (findmethod(typeof(ienumerablesignatures), methodname, false, args, out signature) != 1) 

i've opened issue suggested bug fix in github of project.


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