javascript - using svg data from json as texture in three.js -

i have exported animated svg after effects in form of json file, want use animated svg json texture mesh create in three.js javascript. able parse json file svg using bodymovin plugin renders svg on div :

var idiv = document.createelement("div"); = 'bodymovin';         idiv.classname = 'bodymovin';         document.getelementsbytagname('body')[0].appendchild(idiv);  var animationdata = { json data};   var params = {     container: document.getelementbyid('bodymovin'),     renderer: 'canvas',     loop: true,     autoplay: true,     animationdata: animationdata };  anim = bodymovin.loadanimation(params); 

but not able use animation data json file can parse json file , use texture?


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