Qt C++ SSL/TLS server with Python client -

qt version: 5.8.0

python version: 2.7.13

openssl version: openssl 1.0.1c

operating system: windows 10

i'm trying create ssl/tls server using qt c++ , client written in python. i'm using sslechoserver example project shipped qt. example python client, i'm using 1 got python documentation : https://docs.python.org/2/library/ssl.html. copied cert above-mentioned server example , placed next python script , specified in test scripts tried.

i have tried various python client examples have found on internet (like here: https://carlo-hamalainen.net/blog/2013/1/24/python-ssl-socket-echo-test-with-self-signed-certificate), none able connect qt echo server (it never printed out client connected: when use sslechoclient example shipped qt). client in link above work python server same link, know still works something.

qt c++ server code


/**************************************************************************** ** ** copyright (c) 2016 kurt pattyn <pattyn.kurt@gmail.com>. ** contact: https://www.qt.io/licensing/ ** ** file part of qtwebsockets module of qt toolkit. ** ** $qt_begin_license:bsd$ ** commercial license usage ** licensees holding valid commercial qt licenses may use file in ** accordance commercial license agreement provided ** software or, alternatively, in accordance terms contained in ** written agreement between , qt company. licensing terms ** , conditions see https://www.qt.io/terms-conditions. further ** information use contact form @ https://www.qt.io/contact-us. ** ** bsd license usage ** alternatively, may use file under terms of bsd license ** follows: ** ** "redistribution , use in source , binary forms, or without ** modification, permitted provided following conditions ** met: **   * redistributions of source code must retain above copyright **     notice, list of conditions , following disclaimer. **   * redistributions in binary form must reproduce above copyright **     notice, list of conditions , following disclaimer in **     documentation and/or other materials provided **     distribution. **   * neither name of qt company ltd nor names of **     contributors may used endorse or promote products derived **     software without specific prior written permission. ** ** ** software provided copyright holders , contributors ** "as is" , express or implied warranties, including, not ** limited to, implied warranties of merchantability , fitness ** particular purpose disclaimed. in no event shall copyright ** owner or contributors liable direct, indirect, incidental, ** special, exemplary, or consequential damages (including, not ** limited to, procurement of substitute goods or services; loss of use, ** data, or profits; or business interruption) caused , on ** theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability, or tort ** (including negligence or otherwise) arising in way out of use ** of software, if advised of possibility of such damage." ** ** $qt_end_license$ ** ****************************************************************************/ #include "sslechoserver.h" #include "qtwebsockets/qwebsocketserver" #include "qtwebsockets/qwebsocket" #include <qtcore/qdebug> #include <qtcore/qfile> #include <qtnetwork/qsslcertificate> #include <qtnetwork/qsslkey>  qt_use_namespace  //! [constructor] sslechoserver::sslechoserver(quint16 port, qobject *parent) :     qobject(parent),     m_pwebsocketserver(q_nullptr) {     m_pwebsocketserver = new qwebsocketserver(qstringliteral("ssl echo server"),                                               qwebsocketserver::securemode,                                               this);     qsslconfiguration sslconfiguration;     qfile certfile(qstringliteral(":/localhost.cert"));     qfile keyfile(qstringliteral(":/localhost.key"));     certfile.open(qiodevice::readonly);     keyfile.open(qiodevice::readonly);     qsslcertificate certificate(&certfile, qssl::pem);     qsslkey sslkey(&keyfile, qssl::rsa, qssl::pem);     certfile.close();     keyfile.close();     sslconfiguration.setpeerverifymode(qsslsocket::verifynone);     sslconfiguration.setlocalcertificate(certificate);     sslconfiguration.setprivatekey(sslkey);     sslconfiguration.setprotocol(qssl::tlsv1sslv3); //    sslconfiguration.setprotocol(qssl::tlsv1_2orlater);     m_pwebsocketserver->setsslconfiguration(sslconfiguration);      if (m_pwebsocketserver->listen(qhostaddress::any, port))     {         qdebug() << "ssl echo server listening on port" << port;         connect(m_pwebsocketserver, &qwebsocketserver::newconnection,                 this, &sslechoserver::onnewconnection);         connect(m_pwebsocketserver, &qwebsocketserver::sslerrors,                 this, &sslechoserver::onsslerrors);     } } //! [constructor]  sslechoserver::~sslechoserver() {     m_pwebsocketserver->close();     qdeleteall(m_clients.begin(), m_clients.end()); }  //! [onnewconnection] void sslechoserver::onnewconnection() {     qwebsocket *psocket = m_pwebsocketserver->nextpendingconnection();      qdebug() << "client connected:" << psocket->peername() << psocket->origin();      connect(psocket, &qwebsocket::textmessagereceived, this, &sslechoserver::processtextmessage);     connect(psocket, &qwebsocket::binarymessagereceived,             this, &sslechoserver::processbinarymessage);     connect(psocket, &qwebsocket::disconnected, this, &sslechoserver::socketdisconnected);      m_clients << psocket; } //! [onnewconnection]  //! [processtextmessage] void sslechoserver::processtextmessage(qstring message) {     qwebsocket *pclient = qobject_cast<qwebsocket *>(sender());     if (pclient)     {         pclient->sendtextmessage(message);     } } //! [processtextmessage]  //! [processbinarymessage] void sslechoserver::processbinarymessage(qbytearray message) {     qwebsocket *pclient = qobject_cast<qwebsocket *>(sender());     if (pclient)     {         pclient->sendbinarymessage(message);     } } //! [processbinarymessage]  //! [socketdisconnected] void sslechoserver::socketdisconnected() {     qdebug() << "client disconnected";     qwebsocket *pclient = qobject_cast<qwebsocket *>(sender());     if (pclient)     {         m_clients.removeall(pclient);         pclient->deletelater();     } }  void sslechoserver::onsslerrors(const qlist<qsslerror> &) {     qdebug() << "ssl errors occurred"; } //! [socketdisconnected] 


/**************************************************************************** ** ** copyright (c) 2016 kurt pattyn <pattyn.kurt@gmail.com>. ** contact: https://www.qt.io/licensing/ ** ** file part of qtwebsockets module of qt toolkit. ** ** $qt_begin_license:bsd$ ** commercial license usage ** licensees holding valid commercial qt licenses may use file in ** accordance commercial license agreement provided ** software or, alternatively, in accordance terms contained in ** written agreement between , qt company. licensing terms ** , conditions see https://www.qt.io/terms-conditions. further ** information use contact form @ https://www.qt.io/contact-us. ** ** bsd license usage ** alternatively, may use file under terms of bsd license ** follows: ** ** "redistribution , use in source , binary forms, or without ** modification, permitted provided following conditions ** met: **   * redistributions of source code must retain above copyright **     notice, list of conditions , following disclaimer. **   * redistributions in binary form must reproduce above copyright **     notice, list of conditions , following disclaimer in **     documentation and/or other materials provided **     distribution. **   * neither name of qt company ltd nor names of **     contributors may used endorse or promote products derived **     software without specific prior written permission. ** ** ** software provided copyright holders , contributors ** "as is" , express or implied warranties, including, not ** limited to, implied warranties of merchantability , fitness ** particular purpose disclaimed. in no event shall copyright ** owner or contributors liable direct, indirect, incidental, ** special, exemplary, or consequential damages (including, not ** limited to, procurement of substitute goods or services; loss of use, ** data, or profits; or business interruption) caused , on ** theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability, or tort ** (including negligence or otherwise) arising in way out of use ** of software, if advised of possibility of such damage." ** ** $qt_end_license$ ** ****************************************************************************/ #ifndef sslechoserver_h #define sslechoserver_h  #include <qtcore/qobject> #include <qtcore/qlist> #include <qtcore/qbytearray> #include <qtnetwork/qsslerror>  qt_forward_declare_class(qwebsocketserver) qt_forward_declare_class(qwebsocket)  class sslechoserver : public qobject {     q_object public:     explicit sslechoserver(quint16 port, qobject *parent = q_nullptr);     virtual ~sslechoserver();  private q_slots:     void onnewconnection();     void processtextmessage(qstring message);     void processbinarymessage(qbytearray message);     void socketdisconnected();     void onsslerrors(const qlist<qsslerror> &errors);  private:     qwebsocketserver *m_pwebsocketserver;     qlist<qwebsocket *> m_clients; };  #endif //sslechoserver_h 


/**************************************************************************** ** ** copyright (c) 2016 kurt pattyn <pattyn.kurt@gmail.com>. ** contact: https://www.qt.io/licensing/ ** ** file part of qtwebsockets module of qt toolkit. ** ** $qt_begin_license:bsd$ ** commercial license usage ** licensees holding valid commercial qt licenses may use file in ** accordance commercial license agreement provided ** software or, alternatively, in accordance terms contained in ** written agreement between , qt company. licensing terms ** , conditions see https://www.qt.io/terms-conditions. further ** information use contact form @ https://www.qt.io/contact-us. ** ** bsd license usage ** alternatively, may use file under terms of bsd license ** follows: ** ** "redistribution , use in source , binary forms, or without ** modification, permitted provided following conditions ** met: **   * redistributions of source code must retain above copyright **     notice, list of conditions , following disclaimer. **   * redistributions in binary form must reproduce above copyright **     notice, list of conditions , following disclaimer in **     documentation and/or other materials provided **     distribution. **   * neither name of qt company ltd nor names of **     contributors may used endorse or promote products derived **     software without specific prior written permission. ** ** ** software provided copyright holders , contributors ** "as is" , express or implied warranties, including, not ** limited to, implied warranties of merchantability , fitness ** particular purpose disclaimed. in no event shall copyright ** owner or contributors liable direct, indirect, incidental, ** special, exemplary, or consequential damages (including, not ** limited to, procurement of substitute goods or services; loss of use, ** data, or profits; or business interruption) caused , on ** theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability, or tort ** (including negligence or otherwise) arising in way out of use ** of software, if advised of possibility of such damage." ** ** $qt_end_license$ ** ****************************************************************************/ #include <qtcore/qcoreapplication> #include "sslechoserver.h"  int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {     qcoreapplication a(argc, argv);     sslechoserver server(1234);      q_unused(server);      return a.exec(); } 

python client code (just 1 of ones tried)

import socket, ssl  context = ssl.sslcontext(ssl.protocol_tlsv1) context.verify_mode = ssl.cert_required context.check_hostname = true context.load_verify_locations("localhost.cert") # context.load_default_certs()  s = socket.socket(socket.af_inet, socket.sock_stream) ssl_sock = context.wrap_socket(s, server_hostname='localhost') ssl_sock.connect(('localhost', 1234)) 

turns out had make python client connect use wss. installed websocket (version 0.40) https://pypi.python.org/pypi/websocket-client , used example script below. used python 3.6.1, think 2.7.x might work well.

import websocket import time import ssl  if __name__ == "__main__":     websocket.enabletrace(true)     ws = websocket.websocket(sslopt={"ca_certs": "localhost.cert",                                       "cert_reqs": ssl.cert_required})     ws.connect("wss://localhost:1234")     print ("sending 'hello, world'...")     ws.send("hello, world")     print ("sent")     print ("receiving...")     result =  ws.recv()     print ("received '%s'" % result)     ws.close() 


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