java - HTTP Status 404 - /elecMaven/system/actingIndex.jsp, But my config is correct -

the error information below:

http status 404 - /elecmaven/system/actingindex.jsp

type status report

message /elecmaven/system/actingindex.jsp

description requested resource not available. apache tomcat/7.0.75

i have ztree, , menudata.js correct:

part of menudata.js, can see url struts action, not path:

   {         mid:'ap',         pid:'am',         name:'运行监控',         icon:'../images/menuicon/daibanshiyi.gif',         target:'mainframe',         url:'${pagecontext.request.contextpth}/system/',         isparent:false     } 

the menudata.js inclued left.jsp(you can find @ below image)

in struts.xml:

<constant name="struts.action.extension" value="do"></constant> ...  <package name="system" namespace="/system" extends="struts-default">     ......     <action name="eleccommonmsgaction_*" class="eleccommonmsgaction" method="{1}">         <result name="home">/web-inf/page/system/actingindex.jsp</result>     </action> </package> 

and location of actingindex.jsp here:

why 404 error?


@suppresswarnings("serial") @controller("eleccommonmsgaction") @scope(value = "prototype") public class eleccommonmsgaction extends baseaction<eleccommonmsg> {      eleccommonmsg eleccommonmsg = this.getmodel();     // service     @resource(name = ieleccommonmsgservice.service_name)     ieleccommonmsgservice eleccommonmsgservice;      /**      *      * @return 跳转到actingindex.jsp      */     public string home() {          eleccommonmsg eleccommonmsg1 = eleccommonmsgservice.findeleccommonmsg();          valueutils.putvaluestack(eleccommonmsg1);          return "home";     }  } 

at line:

public string home() { 

i take breakpoint, when test, did not come in there.


the location of struts.xml:

i don't know why, true, last night can not solve issue, close laptop , fall in sleep, today wake up, , re-start macbook pro, , find become normal.

so think solution restart computer.


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