mysql - Access class' imported class -

i have program uses mysql connection.
to make code cleaner , more reusable, made class dbmanager functions.
made class in separate project , i'm planning standalone dll class in near future.
so main program imports dbmanager

1 of function in dbmanager needs argument of type mysqlcommand.

of course i've imported on top of dbmanager, can't access type (or maybe better, class) mysqlcommand main program.

a possible workaround import on main program, think not clean solution because import entire mysql namespace using mysqlcommand argument....

is there cleaner method mysqlcommand class out of dbmanager without importing in main program?

ok, have found solution based on jmcilhinney's suggestion.
i've made class dbsqlcommand 2 public variables:public commandtext string , public parameters sortedlist(of string, string) support add method need insert parameters.
i've changed method's argument type dbsqlcommand.
now when call method, handles mysqlcommand internally , translates list command parameters.


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