c# - Getting error for EF code first migration- Column 'AspNetUsers.Id' is not the same length or scale as referencing column -

when trying generate tables using migration getting following exception-

column 'aspnetusers.id' not same length or scale referencing column 'mycustomtable.userid' in foreign key 'fk_mycustomtable_aspnetusers_userid'. columns participating in foreign key relationship must defined same length , scale. not create constraint or index.

this code-

public class applicationuser : identityuser {     public string firstname { get; set; }     public string lastname { get; set; }     public string customerid { get; set; }     public string address { get; set; }     public string description { get; set; }     public string parentuserid { get; set; }     ... } 

this migration class-

public partial class createidentityschema : migration {     protected override void up(migrationbuilder migrationbuilder)     {          migrationbuilder.createtable(                 name: "aspnetusers",                 columns: table => new                 {                     id = table.column<string>(nullable: false),                     accessfailedcount = table.column<int>(nullable: false),                     concurrencystamp = table.column<string>(nullable: true),                     email = table.column<string>(maxlength: 256, nullable: true),                     emailconfirmed = table.column<bool>(nullable: false),                     lockoutenabled = table.column<bool>(nullable: false),                     lockoutend = table.column<datetimeoffset>(nullable: true),                    ...                 },                 constraints: table =>                 {                     table.primarykey("pk_aspnetusers", x => x.id);                 });          migrationbuilder.createtable(                name: "mycustomtable",                columns: table => new                {                    id = table.column<int>(nullable: false)                         .annotation("sqlserver:valuegenerationstrategy", sqlservervaluegenerationstrategy.identitycolumn),                     userid = table.column<string>(nullable: true),                    ...                },                constraints: table =>                {                    table.primarykey("pk_mycustomtable_id", x => new { x.id });                    table.foreignkey(                         name: "fk_mycustomtable_aspnetusers_userid",                         column: x => x.userid,                         principaltable: "aspnetusers",                         principalcolumn: "id",                         ondelete: referentialaction.cascade);                });     } } 

and modelsnapshot-

[dbcontext(typeof(applicationdbcontext))] partial class applicationdbcontextmodelsnapshot : modelsnapshot {     protected override void buildmodel(modelbuilder modelbuilder)     {         modelbuilder.entity("datamodel.dbmodels.applicationuser", b =>                 {                     b.property<string>("id");                      b.property<int>("accessfailedcount");                      b.property<string>("concurrencystamp")                         .isconcurrencytoken();                      b.property<string>("email")                         .hasannotation("maxlength", 256);                      b.property<bool>("emailconfirmed");                      b.property<bool>("lockoutenabled");                      b.property<datetimeoffset?>("lockoutend");                     ...                      b.totable("aspnetusers");                 });           modelbuilder.entity<datamodel.entities.mycustomtable>(b =>             {                 b.property<int>("id")                  .hasannotation("sqlserver:valuegenerationstrategy", sqlservervaluegenerationstrategy.identitycolumn);                  b.property<string>("userid");                  ...                  b.haskey("id");                 b.totable("mycustomtable");             });             modelbuilder.entity<datamodel.entities.mycustomtable>(b =>             {                 b.hasone("datamodel.dbmodels.applicationuser")                     .withmany("mycustomtable")                     .hasforeignkey("userid")                     .ondelete(deletebehavior.cascade);             });     } } 

i don't doing wrong. if 1 can helpful me. thanks.


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