ios - GCD Cancel and restart queue when button pressed again -
simply, have button adds queue, or believe that's how works - i've started use gcd. if press button twice in app, runs these 2 processes in parallel , progress bar races , forth between them, i'd stop other instances of queue , execute new 1 if makes sense, i've not got grips lingo...
@ibaction func makepi(_ sender: uibutton) { piprogress.progress = 0.0 let queue1 = dispatchqueue(label: "com.appcoda.queue1", qos: dispatchqos.userinitiated) queue1.async { let currentamount = int(self.randnum.value) var gcdcounter = 0 n in 1...currentamount { if self.gcd(self.random(max: int(self.randrange.value)), self.random(max: int(self.randrange.value))) == 1{ gcdcounter += 1 } if n % 1000 == 0 { dispatchqueue.main.async { self.piprogress.setprogress(float(double(n)/double(currentamount)), animated: true) } } else if n == currentamount { dispatchqueue.main.async { self.piprogress.setprogress(1.0, animated: true) } } } let pifinal = sqrt(double((6/double((double(gcdcounter)/double(currentamount)))))) let roundedaccuracy: double = ((pifinal-double.pi)/double.pi*100).roundto(places: 6) dispatchqueue.main.async { self.pilabel.text = string(pifinal) self.piaccuracy.text = "accuracy: \(roundedaccuracy)%" } } }
i need other queue1.async ones stop...
p.s. if i've done obviously wrong, please ^^ thanks.
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