Spring Roo 2.0.0.RC1 doesn't know its own version number -

when start roo.sh, command logs lot of error version of libraries , roo version:

$ /opt/apps/ggg/spring-roo-2.0.0.rc1/bin/roo.sh auto-deploy install: org.osgi.framework.bundleexception: bundle symbolic name , version not unique: com.github.antlrjavaparser.antlr-java-parser:1.0.15 auto-deploy install: org.osgi.framework.bundleexception: bundle symbolic name , version not unique: org.apache.commons.codec:1.8.0 auto-deploy install: org.osgi.framework.bundleexception: bundle symbolic name , version not unique: org.apache.commons.io:2.4.0 auto-deploy install: org.osgi.framework.bundleexception: bundle symbolic name , version not unique: org.apache.commons.lang3:3.1.0 auto-deploy install: org.osgi.framework.bundleexception: bundle symbolic name , version not unique: org.fusesource.jansi:1.6.0 auto-deploy install: org.osgi.framework.bundleexception: bundle symbolic name , version not unique: org.jsoup:1.9.1 auto-deploy install: org.osgi.framework.bundleexception: bundle symbolic name , version not unique: org.apache.aries.subsystem.api:2.0.8 auto-deploy install: org.osgi.framework.bundleexception: bundle symbolic name , version not unique: org.apache.aries.subsystem.core:2.0.8 auto-deploy install: org.osgi.framework.bundleexception: bundle symbolic name , version not unique: org.apache.aries.util:1.1.1 

... more "auto-deploy" warnings , finally ...

            _                                 ___ _ __  _ __(_)_ __   __ _   _ __ ___   ___   / __| '_ \| '__| | '_ \ / _` | | '__/ _ \ / _ \  \__ \ |_) | |  | | | | | (_| | | | | (_) | (_) | |___/ .__/|_|  |_|_| |_|\__, | |_|  \___/ \___/      |_|                 |___/    unknown version  welcome spring roo. assistance press tab or type "hint" hit enter. roo>  

and if create project, spring roo's version in pom.xml file created unknown version:

  <properties>     <roo.version>unknown version</roo.version> 

then, if fix file setting 2.0.0 rc1 version, when start again roo console, shows me:

... auto-deploy install: org.osgi.framework.bundleexception: bundle symbolic name , version not unique: org.springframework.roo.wrapping.snakeyaml:1.15.1 auto-deploy install: org.osgi.framework.bundleexception: bundle symbolic name , version not unique: slf4j.api:1.7.12 auto-deploy install: org.osgi.framework.bundleexception: bundle symbolic name , version not unique: slf4j.jdk14:1.7.12                 _                                 ___ _ __  _ __(_)_ __   __ _   _ __ ___   ___   / __| '_ \| '__| | '_ \ / _` | | '__/ _ \ / _ \  \__ \ |_) | |  | | | | | (_| | | | | (_) | (_) | |___/ .__/|_|  |_|_| |_|\__, | |_|  \___/ \___/      |_|                 |___/    unknown version  welcome spring roo. assistance press tab or type "hint" hit enter. warning: using spring roo unknown version, project generated using spring roo 2.0.0 rc1. if continue execution project might suffer changes. want continue opening spring roo shell?(yes/no) 

how can fix issue version? there file can setup version number?

i've saw you're executing roo.sh script in following folder:


do have admin permissions in folder? try execute roo.sh script inside ~/apps/ggg folder?

let me know if helps you.



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