python - Iterate over Django custom Form -
i trying create dynamic form, varying number of charfields. want able display them @ in semi-arbitrary places in form. approach create iterable function fielded right self.fields[index]. however, when this, literally see this:
<django.forms.fields.charfield object @ 0x80bae6be0> <django.forms.fields.charfield object @ 0x80bae6f98> <django.forms.fields.charfield object @ 0x80bae6da0>
how make charfield() render expected?
my code below:
class implementationform(forms.modelform): """ specifies implementation of given control. """ class meta: model = implementation fields = ['implemented', 'scope', 'separate'] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): control = kwargs.pop('control') super(implementationform, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.fields['separate'].widget.attrs.update({'class': 'separate'}) self.fields['scope'].widget.attrs.update({'class': 'scope'}) substatement in control.substatement.all(): self.fields['statement_%s'] = forms.charfield() def subfield(self): print("comes here") index in self.fields: if index[:10] == 'statement_': yield self.fields[index]
the template this:
{% x in myform.subfield %} {{ x }} {% endfor %}
what looking form's boundfields. e.g. {{ }} iterating on field instances (not form's boundfield instances wraps field instances) e.g. {{ }}. why getting
<django.forms.fields.charfield object @ 0x80bae6da0>
result template. see:
also see django's documentation:
try dirty way (see edit below better solution):
{# iterate on list of field instances #} {% x in myform.subfield %} {# find matching boundfield instance #} {% field in myform %} {% if field.field == x %} {# matching boudfield instance found, display it. #} {{ field }} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endfor %}
edit: came across better (less dirty) approach: field has
get_bound_field(self, form, field_name)
method according docs:
so, in subfield method in last line (the 'yield' line), try this:
yield self.fields[index].get_bound_field(self, index)
then, template remain same:
{% x in myform.subfield %} {{ x }} {% endfor %}
and should work intended.
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