node.js - Mongoose: Running Scheduled Job Query by Date -

i want create scheduled job patients in hospital. patients informed every month reg_date.

i'm using new date().getdate() inside scheduled jobs run @ 8.00 in morning send sms patients. meanwhile, had been using string format date save reg_date in mongodb. here snippets of mongodb docs :

{     customer: "john",     reg_date: "2017-02-17t16:39:26.969z" } 

i've ben surfing solutions turns out nothing, decided post myself. here trying :

customer.find({"reg_date.getdate()" : new date(2017, 03, 17).getdate()})     .then(function(data) {       (var key in data.length) {           sendthesms(key[data]);       };     }); 

e.g: doing "i want every patient register @ 17th day of month , send them sms".

any appreciated. :d

for type of bit complex query need use aggregation method instead regular find method.

$project project fields, here creating new temporary field day date of reg_date. query using new field day , result.

this temp field day never added schema or model, temp view creating in sql.

here projected customer , day please project fields necessary in result.

function getcustomerlist(day, callback){     customer.aggregate([       {          $project:{             "customer": "$customer",   //repeat same field want in result             "reg_date": "$reg_date",             "day":{$dayofmonth:"$reg_date"}  //put day of month in 'day'           }        },       {         $match:{           "day": day  //now match day incoming day value       }      },    ], function(err, result){         callback(err, result);                }) }  getcustomerlist(17, function(err, result){   // call function date want    // process err & result here });  

result this

[{  "_id" : objectid("571f2da8ca97eb10163e6e17"),  "customer" : "john",  "reg_date" : isodate("2016-04-17t08:58:16.414z"),  "day" : 17 }, {  "_id" : objectid("571f2da8ca97eb10163e6e17"),  "customer" : "prasanth",  "reg_date" : isodate("2016-04-17t08:58:16.414z"),  "day" : 17 }] 

ignore day field projected during process...


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