python - How to store "complex" data structure as a Persistent Data Structures using ethereum & serpent -
my work concerning smart contract dev. using (py)ethereum , serpent,
when reading "a programmer’s guide ethereum , serpent", saw on point 5.9 :
[...] persistent data structures can declared using data declaration. allows declaration of arrays , tuples. [...]
[...] simple storage,[] useful, larger contracts, recommend use of data (unless need key- value storage, of course) [...]
code example:
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import serpent ethereum import tester, utils, abi serpent_code = ''' data mystorage[] def test_data_storage(key,value): if not self.mystorage[key]: self.mystorage[key]=value return(1) else: return(0) def get_value_mystorage(key): if not self.mystorage[key]: return(0) else: return(self.mystorage[key]) def test_self_storage(key,value): if not[key]:[key]=value return(1) else: return(0) def get_value_self_storage(key): if not[key]: return(0) else: return([key]) ''' s = tester.state() c = s.abi_contract(serpent_code) #example self storage c.test_self_storage("keya",1) print c.get_value_self_storage("keya") #store , access data works in! #example mystorage c.test_data_storage("keyb",2) print c.get_value_mystorage("keyb") #store , access data works in data persistant data storage! #fail example complex data my_complex_data={"keya":1,"keyb":2, "keyc":[1,2,3], "keyd":{"a":1,"b":2}} c.test_data_storage("keycomplex",my_complex_data) #don't store because error: # ethereum.abi.valueoutofbounds: {'keyc': [1, 2, 3], 'keyb': 2, 'keya': 1, 'keyd': {'a': 1, 'b': 2}}
my question : best way , how store complex data (see my_complex_data variable in code) dictionary contain others dict. (or arrays key value) persistant data structures ?
and know if possible , how store class structure persistant data structures ?
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