cypher - Neo4J Get Data From Multiple Node with Multiple Relationship -

hello following neo4j query checkin or review or pixel etc. given user business.which got perfectly.but i want pulse given user not given on business. following query not pulse.

start n=node({otheruserid})  n match (n)-[r1]-(p)-[r2]-(b:business)  r1.onpulse=true , r2.onpulse= true ,  ('check_in' in labels(p) or 'tip' in labels(p) or 'review' in labels(p) or 'rate' in labels(p))  p,r1,r2,n,b  optional match(p)-[r3:has_pix]-(pix:pix)  optional match (p)-[tg]-(tags)  type(tg) in ['has_biz_tag', 'has_user_tag', 'has_hash_tag']  return n,r1,p,r2,r3 

enter image description here

above relationship node. want neo4j query that.


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