angularjs - Is it possible in angular material to create left-swipe-action with md-swipe? -

i newbie angular-material.

i want create swipe action menu left-swipe-action md-swipe. so, when have swipe md-list-item md-list slid md-list-item , display action button md-list-item.

is possible in angular-material?

my angular-material md-list code following:

<md-list class="p-0">       <md-list-item ng-repeat="treeobj in trees.treesarr track $index" ng-click="trees.fnshowdevices(treeobj)" md-swipe-left="trees.onswipeleft($event)">         <span class="status-bar" md-whiteframe="5"               ng-class="{ok: 'md-green', warning: 'md-yellow',degraded:'md-orange',severe:'md-red',unknown:'md-grey'}[]"></span>         <p class="m-0" style="line-height: normal"> {{ }} </p>         <h5 class="m-0" ng-bind="trees.incidentcountobj[]">0</h5>         <md-divider></md-divider>       </md-list-item> </md-list> 


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