upgrade - After TYPO3 Update from 6.2 to 7.6 still errors in TCA? -

i've made update typo3 cms 6.2 typo3 cms 7.6.16. after few problems other extensions (tx_newsand third party ext.) , changes in tca. works fine after import live-dump ...

  1. upgrade wizard / database compare
  2. update reference index
  3. flush cache , empty typo3temp
  4. deactivate , reactivate extensions problems

everything? unfortunately, no. extension im_appointments doesn't work. don't written extension myself. if try add new data record in backend ext., i'll error:

an item in field form of table tx_imappointments_domain_model_job not array expected 

but database comprare finished. tables correct?!

typo3 database compare

where's problem? know it's hard analyze without source code. there's database field wrong, why? it's same database before?

where's fault .. ext_tables.php or still sth. in tca wrong? need tip .. frustrating ..

edit: sys_log entry

core: exception handler (web): uncaught typo3 exception: #1439288036: item in field form of table tx_imappointments_domain_model_job not array expected | unexpectedvalueexception thrown in file /typo3_src/typo3_src-7.6.16/typo3/sysext/backend/classes/form/formdataprovider/abstractitemprovider.php in line 1264. 

edit 2: think, there must sth. in typo3conf/ext/im_appointments/configuration/tca/tx_imappointments_domain_model_job.php see tca source code

and that's in line 1264

/**  * sanitize incoming item array  *  * used tcaselectitems , tcaselecttreeitems data providers  *  * @param mixed $itemarray  * @param string $tablename  * @param string $fieldname  * @throws \unexpectedvalueexception  * @return array  */ public function sanitizeitemarray($itemarray, $tablename, $fieldname) {     if (!is_array($itemarray)) {         $itemarray = [];     }     foreach ($itemarray $item) {         if (!is_array($item)) {             throw new \unexpectedvalueexception(                 'an item in field ' . $fieldname . ' of table ' . $tablename . ' not array expected',                 1439288036             );         }     }      return $itemarray; } 

atry use in tca tx_imappointments_domain_model_job.php

        'form' => array(             'exclude' => 1,             'label' => 'lll:ext:im_appointments/resources/private/language/locallang_db.xlf:tx_imappointments_domain_model_job.form',             'config' => array(                 'type' => 'select',                 'rendertype' => 'selectsingle',                 'items' => array(array('', 0)),                 'foreign_table' => 'pages',                 'foreign_table_where' => ' , pages.pid = 293',                 'minitems' => 0,                 'maxitems' => 1,             ),         ), 

'items' in 'form' has array how error message said: https://docs.typo3.org/typo3cms/tcareference/columnsconfig/type/select.html#items


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