How to resize polygon drawn on Google map in Android? -

after searching lot found solution draw polygon free hand on google map in android.

now want resize polygon dragging on map, don't know how that.

private googlemap mmap; polygonoptions rectoptions; polygon shape;   private bool is_map_moveable = false;  // detect map movable // on create   framelayout fram_map = (framelayout)findviewbyid(; button btn_draw_state = (button)findviewbyid(;  if (btn_draw_state != null)             {        += (sender, e) =>                 {                     if (!is_map_moveable)                     {                         is_map_moveable = true;                         fram_map.setontouchlistener(this);                      }                     else if (is_map_moveable)                     {                         is_map_moveable = false;                     }                 } ;             }   list<latlng> val = new list<latlng>(); public bool ontouch(view v, motionevent e) {          float x = e.getx();         float y = e.gety();          int x_co = (int)math.round(x);         int y_co = (int)math.round(y);          projection p = mmap.projection;         point x_y_points = new point(x_co, y_co);          latlng latlng = mmap.projection.fromscreenlocation(x_y_points);         var latitude = latlng.latitude;          var longitude = latlng.longitude;         int eventaction = (int)e.action;         switch (e.action)         {                 case motioneventactions.down:                         // finger touches screen                         val.add(new latlng(latitude, longitude));                         break;                  case motioneventactions.move:                         // finger moves on screen                         val.add(new latlng(latitude, longitude));                         break;                  case motioneventactions.up:                         // finger leaves screen                         drawmap();                         break;         }         if (is_map_moveable == true)         {                 return true;          }         else         {                 return false;         }  }  private void drawmap() {         rectoptions = new polygonoptions();         foreach(var item in val)         {                 rectoptions.add(item);         }         rectoptions.invokefillcolor(int.parse("33ff0000", system.globalization.numberstyles.hexnumber));         rectoptions.invokestrokecolor(int.parse("ff33a02c", system.globalization.numberstyles.hexnumber));         rectoptions.invokestrokewidth(3);         rectoptions.clickable(true);         shape = mmap.addpolygon(rectoptions);    } 


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