Check if email exist php -
i have question, have php script check if email address exist.
but appear yahoo, hotmail, aol , others providers accepting emails , not rejecting invalid emails.
only gmail, , many domains rejecting no vaild emails.
check script , let me know if can check yahoo , others.
html post form
<html> <body> <form action="checkemail.php" method="post"> <b>e-mail</b> <input type="text" name="email"> <input type="submit"> </form> </body> </html>
<?php /* validate email address. */ function jvalidateemailusingsmtp($stoemail, $sfromdomain = "", $sfromemail = "", $bisdebug = false) { $bisvalid = true; // assume address valid default.. $aemailparts = explode("@", $stoemail); // extract user/domain.. getmxrr($aemailparts[1], $amatches); // mx records.. if (sizeof($amatches) == 0) { return false; // no mx records.. } foreach ($amatches $ovalue) { if ($bisvalid && !isset($sresponsecode)) { // open connection.. $oconnection = @fsockopen($ovalue, 25, $errno, $errstr, 30); $oresponse = @fgets($oconnection); if (!$oconnection) { $aconnectionlog['connection'] = "error"; $aconnectionlog['connectionresponse'] = $errstr; $bisvalid = false; // unable connect.. } else { $aconnectionlog['connection'] = "success"; $aconnectionlog['connectionresponse'] = $errstr; $bisvalid = true; // far good.. } if (!$bisvalid) { if ($bisdebug) print_r($aconnectionlog); return false; } // hello server.. fputs($oconnection, "helo $sfromdomain\r\n"); $oresponse = fgets($oconnection); $aconnectionlog['helo'] = $oresponse; // send email from.. fputs($oconnection, "mail from: <$sfromemail>\r\n"); $oresponse = fgets($oconnection); $aconnectionlog['mailfromresponse'] = $oresponse; // send email to.. fputs($oconnection, "rcpt to: <$stoemail>\r\n"); $oresponse = fgets($oconnection); $aconnectionlog['mailtoresponse'] = $oresponse; // response code.. $sresponsecode = substr($aconnectionlog['mailtoresponse'], 0, 3); $sbaseresponsecode = substr($sresponsecode, 0, 1); // goodbye.. fputs($oconnection,"quit\r\n"); $oresponse = fgets($oconnection); // quit code , response.. $aconnectionlog['quitresponse'] = $oresponse; $aconnectionlog['quitcode'] = substr($oresponse, 0, 3); if ($sbaseresponsecode == "5") { $bisvalid = false; // address not valid.. } // close connection.. @fclose($oconnection); } } if ($bisdebug) { print_r($aconnectionlog); // output debug info.. } return $bisvalid; } $email = $_post['email']; $bisemailvalid = jvalidateemailusingsmtp("$email", "", ""); echo $bisemailvalid ? "<b>valid!</b>" : "invalid! :("; ?>
if need make super sure e-mail address exists, send e-mail it. should contain link random id. when link clicked, , contains correct random id, user's account activated (or ad published, or order sent, or whatever doing).
this reliable way verify existence of e-mail address, , make sure person filling in form has access it.
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