ios - How may I trigger banner notifications using FCM? -

how show banners in app using firebase's fcm feature? able receive , show banner notifications via apple provided delegate method:

func usernotificationcenter(_ center: unusernotificationcenter, willpresent notification: unnotification, withcompletionhandler completionhandler: @escaping (unnotificationpresentationoptions) -> void) {   completionhandler([.alert, .badge, .sound]) } 

however, once try use fcm, method no longer called. instead, it's method receives notification information:

extension firebasenotificationmanager: firmessagingdelegate {   func applicationreceivedremotemessage(_ remotemessage: firmessagingremotemessage) {     let appdata = remotemessage.appdata     appdata.foreach { print($0) }   } } 

i can printout of appdata, i'm not sure how display banner alert.

any appreciated!

i using ios 10 , working me.

- (void)usernotificationcenter:(unusernotificationcenter *)center    willpresentnotification:(unnotification *)notification      withcompletionhandler:(void (^)(unnotificationpresentationoptions))completionhandler   {         nsdictionary *userinfo = notification.request.content.userinfo;          // print full message.          nslog(@"%@", userinfo);  // change preferred presentation option       completionhandler(unnotificationpresentationoptionalert);  } 


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