testing - Am new to cucumber. I am running two feature files. While running it shows an error. If am running the first tag only it runs fine -

@cucumberoptions(features = { "src\\test\\java\\com\\features\\" }, glue = { "stepdefinitions" }, plugin = {     "pretty", "json:target/cucumber.json" }, tags = { "@login","@basecheck"}, monochrome = true) 

please me solve issue.

error : none of features @ [src\test\java\com\features\] matched filters: [@login, @basecheck] 

for scenario runner checks feature contains 2 tags "login" , "basecheck", in case 1 feature file contains tag "login" , other feature file contains tag "basecheck". hence treats no feature exist 2 tags , shows error 'no feature' exist.

one quick fix have add tags in testrunner tags= {"@login,@basecheck"}


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