shadow dom - How to apply external CSS to an external component within my angular component or using external CSS to the nested external component only -

i beginner, terminologies used here might not applied.

my app has 3 components. 1 external component clr-datagrid project clarity

    <body>      <app-root>      <app-searchform>        <ss-multiselect-dropdown>          external library making dropdown multiselect bootstrap css       </ss-multiselect-dropdown>    </app-searchform>      <app-searchresult>          <clr-datagrid> external component displaying result list </clr-datagrid>    </app-searchresult>        </app-root>       </body> 

in searchresult component,

@component({   selector: 'app-searchresult',   templateurl: './searchresult.component.html',   styleurls: ['./searchresult.component.css',     '../../../node_modules/clarity-icons/clarity-icons.min.css',     '../../../node_modules/clarity-ui/clarity-ui.min.css'   ],   encapsulation: viewencapsulation.emulated }) 

the problem is,

when use viewencapsulation.emulated, clarity-icons.min.css', clarity-ui.min.css not applied nested component/ custom-element.

when use viewencapsulation.native, works in chrome , opera browsers. not in ie/ firefox/ safari.

when use viewencapsulation.none, works fine css bleed out , affect searhform cmp styles.

what have understood online reading problem shadow dom, chrome support shadow dom, others not. tried use webcomponents polyfill

<script src="../../../node_modules/webcomponents.js/webcomponents-hi-sd-ce.js"></script> in index.html (may not right way).

could plz me how can apply clarity css , icons component, , not affect other parts of app ?


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