How to use Ruby 2.4.0 on a server -

when run cap production deploy following error:

cap production deploy  sshkit::command::failed: ruby exit status: 2 ruby stdout: nothing written ruby stderr: ruby ruby-2.4.0 not installed 

i specified ruby version in deploy.rb file:

set :passenger_restart_with_touch, true set :rvm_ruby_version, 'ruby-2.4.0' 

and included in gemfile:

gem "capistrano", "~> 3.8" gem 'capistrano-bundler' gem 'capistrano-rails' gem 'capistrano-rvm' gem 'capistrano-passenger' 

how should run ruby version 2.4.0 on server without going server?

install ruby version on server using

rvm install 2.4.0 

and then, in app's root path, use installed ruby:

rvm use 2.4.0 


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