webpack - How to avoid coloring in angular-cli? -

i use frontend-maven-plugin build angular 2 project, , output gathered log file

how avoid attempts color output?

as far understand, webpack output. , has option remove coloring --no-color (see https://webpack.github.io/docs/cli.html). how configure withing angular-cli project?

[info] > ng build --prod --no-progress [info]  [info] hash: [1mcdc28d05836bd99cad9b[39m[22m [info] time: [1m39010[39m[22mms [info] chunk    {[1m[33m0[39m[22m} [1m[32mmain.57f471d45785d7eea4e1.bundle.js[39m[22m (main) 386 kb {[1m[33m2[39m[22m}[1m[33m [initial][39m[22m[1m[32m [rendered][39m[22m [info] chunk    {[1m[33m1[39m[22m} [1m[32mstyles.5dc7cc9cc5c864bb207a.bundle.css[39m[22m (styles) 175 bytes {[1m[33m3[39m[22m}[1m[33m [initial][39m[22m[1m[32m [rendered][39m[22m [info] chunk    {[1m[33m2[39m[22m} [1m[32mvendor.563a90a466766cc96494.bundle.js[39m[22m (vendor) 1.75 mb[1m[33m [initial][39m[22m[1m[32m [rendered][39m[22m [info] chunk    {[1m[33m3[39m[22m} [1m[32minline.954a415d92a5e8ab9b9d.bundle.js[39m[22m (inline) 0 bytes[1m[33m [entry][39m[22m[1m[32m [rendered][39m[22m 

afaik, feature not supported angular-cli now.

but there temporary solution:

ng build | sed -r "s/\x1b\[([0-9]{1,2}(;[0-9]{1,2})?)?[mgk]//g" > log.txt 

it's reference https://github.com/angular/angular-cli/issues/6478#issuecomment-304276909 , here

and hope supported natively angular-cli :).


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