javascript - How to share component methods to child? -

i've got 2 components:

<cmp-one></cmp-one> inserted dom, while i'm using $compile create <cmp-top>. in cmptop controller need <cmp-one> , insert <cmp-top>.

insertion works fine, need access cmptop controller methods cmpone - , can't figure out how.

what i've tried far adding require: {cmptop: '^^'} - not working since there no parent component before insertion done.

so, how can achieve this? mean - insert component another, , share methods added child.


here plunker:

so, need access panelcontroller's methods dialogcomponentcontroller.

or, maybe i'm doing wrong - please give me clue how make properly.

you can use common service communicate between them (as playerone mentioned).

app.controller('maincontroller', function($scope, menuselection) {   $scope.menuselection = menuselection; // retrieve settings object service method , bring scope   // whenever 1 sets $scope.menuselection.selected = "object 2", update value in other controller (and vice-versa) });  app.controller('secondcontroller', function($scope, menuselection) {   $scope.menuselection = menuselection; // retrieve settings object service method , bring scope });  app.factory('menuselection', function() {   var settings = {};   settings.selected = 'object 1';  // default   return settings; }); 

you can point $scope.menuselection.myfoofunction = ... function in 1 directive , call another.


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