scala - Slick select all rows for table with no filtering -

how can collection of jurisdictionrow objects? need select * jurisdiction

object jurisdictionrepo extends {   val profile = slick.driver.mysqldriver } jurisdictionrepo  trait jurisdictionrepo {   private val dbconfig: databaseconfig[mysqldriver] = databaseconfig.forconfig("pnga-master-data")   private val db = dbconfig.db    val profile: slick.driver.jdbcprofile   val tablename = "jurisdiction"    def add(jurisdictionrow: jurisdictionrow): future[unit] = += jurisdictionrow).map { _ => () }    def delete(id: string): future[int] = === id).delete)    def get(id: string): future[option[jurisdictionrow]] = === id).result.headoption)  def all() = ???    import profile.api._    lazy val schema: profile.schemadescription = query.schema    case class jurisdictionrow(id: string,                              parentid: string,                              name: string,                              code: string)    class jurisdiction(_tabletag: tag) extends table[jurisdictionrow](_tabletag, tablename) {     val id: rep[string] = column[string](s"${tablename}_id", o.primarykey, o.length(36, varying=true))     val parentid: rep[string] = column[string]("parent_id", o.length(36, varying=true))     val name: rep[string] = column[string]("name", o.length(255, varying=true))     val code: rep[string] = column[string]("code", o.length(255, varying=true))      def * = (id, parentid, name, code) <> (jurisdictionrow.tupled, jurisdictionrow.unapply _)   }    lazy val query = new tablequery(tag => new jurisdiction(tag))  } 

i implement all method return possible jurisdictionrow objects in table. seems common case, slick documentation has not been helpful. need plain old result set, no fancy filtering, etc.

just replicate have in other queries without filter part.

def =

have @ first example:


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