java - SnappyData(Table is not showing in cluster) -

i've created 1 program snappy data in java. i'm not able table name in cluster. i'm can't understand log file. hints?

public static void main( string[] args ) {     sparksession spark = sparksession        .builder()        .appname("sparkapp")        .master("local[*]")        .getorcreate();     javasparkcontext jsc = new javasparkcontext(spark.sparkcontext());     snappysession snappy = new snappysession(spark.sparkcontext());     snappy.droptable("customer",true);     snappy.sql("create table customer ( " +             "c_custkey     integer not null," +             "c_name        varchar(25) not null," +             "c_address     varchar(40) not null," +             "c_nationkey   integer not null," +             "c_phone       varchar(15) not null," +             "c_acctbal     decimal(15,2)   not null," +             "c_mktsegment  varchar(10) not null," +             "c_comment     varchar(117) not null)" +             "using column options (partition_by 'c_custkey')"); } 

i think reason not getting output line have not inserted rows in table snappy.sql("select count() customer").collect(). , if change line snappy.sql("select count() customer").show() show actual count of table, 0 in example.


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