ios - Error with AFNETWORKING -

i try install afnetworking in objective-c application.

i have followed instructions in tutorial:

i have readden "afhttprequestoperationmanager" remplaced "afhttpsessionmanager" so:

i declared property:

@property (nonatomic) afhttpsessionmanager *manager; 

then added in init function:

afsecuritypolicy *policy = [afsecuritypolicy policywithpinningmode:afsslpinningmodepublickey]; [self.manager setsecuritypolicy:policy]; 

i added certificate in project.

but when run code there error:

error: error domain=nsurlerrordomain code=-999 "cancelled" userinfo={nserrorfailingurlkey=my_url, nslocalizeddescription=cancelled, nserrorfailingurlstringkey=my_url}

i tried set certificate url manually same error happen.

i checked on internet , tried lots solutions nothing worked. fix error please ?



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