node.js - Confusing with call back in node js -
i have query in nodejs. please modify code such way query database each iteration , store each time result in result array. , send callback function after loop execution finished.when trying place callback(result) after result.push(data) works send rows.length times because of loop.
function query_database(req,callback){ result=[];
class_code=req.body.class; branch=req.body.branch; year=req.body.year; start_date=req.body.start_date; end_date=req.body.end_date; flag=false; query='select id,rollno student branch="'+branch+'" , class="'+class_code+'" , year="'+year+'"'; //console.log(query); connection.query(query, function(err, rows, fields) { if (!err){ query_total_working_days(start_date,end_date,branch,class_code,year,function(err,data){ if(err){ } else{ total_days=data; for(index=0;index<rows.length;index++){ query_attendance(rows[index].id,rows[index].rollno,start_date,end_date,total_days,function(err,data){ if(err){ } else{ result.push(data) } }); } } }) callback(null,result) } else console.log('error while performing query.'); });
your code maybe simplify this:
function query_database(callback) { let result = []; query_all(function(rows) { (let = 0; < rows.length; i++) { query_row(rows[i], function (data) { result.push(data); // (2) }); } }) callback(result); // (1) }
the problem can't sure (2) finished before (1). actually, (1) called before (2) can called.
to make correct, need change following code:
function querydatabase(callback) { let result = []; queryall(function(rows) { let = 0; let rowcallback = function (data) { result.push(data); i++; if (i == rows.length) { callback(result); } else { queryrow(row[i], rowcallback); } }; queryrow(row[i], rowcallback); }) callback(result); // (1) }
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