c# - Cannot find Linq Extension Method in Cake script -

i'm trying use linq extension methods in cake script, , can't find extension methods.

here script:

#r system.linq  task("default").does(() =>  {     var test = new list<string>() {"a", "b", "c"};     test.orderbydesc(x => x); });  runtarget(target); 

i have tried lot of different ways of referencing system.link - such adding .dll or wrapping on quotes. of them seem work. if make incorrect reference, such system.link, error when installing addins when executing script "assembly not found".

here full output get:

ps c:\git\cakeeftest\caketest> ./build.ps1  --experimental preparing run build script... running build script... analyzing build script... processing build script... compiling build script... error: c:/git/cakeeftest/caketest/build.cake(6,7): error cs1061:      'list<string>' not contain definition 'orderbydesc'      , no extension method 'orderbydesc' accepting first argument      of type 'list<string>' found (are missing using      directive or assembly reference?) 

i same results if run without --experimental.

according issues in cake repository, should work expected: https://github.com/cake-build/cake/issues/1331

the linq extension method called orderbydescending() https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb548916(v=vs.110).aspx

also #r used referencing assemblies. usings, use using keyword. sysyem.linq should namespace that's imported default.


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