php - Laravel Dropzone.js Image not saving -

i have managed dropzone working , upload pictures laravel project. problem having is not saving when page reloads image gone. can me identify going wrong? in advance pointers appreciated.

here html:

 <form method="post" action="/admin/products/{{ $products->id }}/photo"    class="dropzone" id="addproductimages" enctype="multipart/form-data">                     {{ csrf_field() }}  </form> 

here controller:

namespace app\http\controllers;  use illuminate\http\request; use app\product; use app\productphoto; use app\addphototoproduct; use app\http\requests\productphotorequest; use illuminate\support\facades\input;   class productphotoscontroller extends controller {  /**  * @param $id  * @param productphotorequest $request  */ //  public function store($id,request $request) {     $product = product::locatedat($id);      $files = $request->file('file');      foreach ($files $file) {         (new addphototoproduct($product,$file))->save();     } } } 

request file:

namespace app\http\requests;  use app\product; use illuminate\foundation\http\formrequest;  class productphotorequest extends formrequest { /**  * determine if user authorized make request.  *  * @return bool  */ public function authorize() {     return product::where([         'id'  => $this->id,     ])->exists(); } 


namespace app;  use illuminate\database\eloquent\model; use symfony\component\httpfoundation\file\uploadedfile;  class productphoto extends model {  /**  * @var string  * associated table.  */ protected $table = "product_images";  /**  * @var array  */ protected $fillable = ['name', 'path', 'thumbnail_path', 'featured'];   /**  * product photos belong product.  *  * @return \illuminate\database\eloquent\relations\belongsto  */ public function product() {     return $this->belongsto('app\product'); }   /**  * product photos base directory.  */ public function basedir() {     return 'src/public/productphotos/photos'; }   /**  * set name attribute of photo  *  *  * @param $name  */ public function setnameattribute($name) {     $this->attributes['name'] = $name;      // set path of photo     $this->path = $this->basedir() . '/' . $name;      // set thumbnail path of photo     $this->thumbnail_path = $this->basedir() . '/th-' . $name; } 


namespace app;  use symfony\component\httpfoundation\file\uploadedfile;  class addphototoproduct {  /**  * @var product  */ protected $product;   /**  * uploadedfile instance.  *  * @var uploadedfile  */ protected $file;   /**  * create new addphototoproduct form object.  *  * @param product $product  * @param uploadedfile $file  * @param thumbnail|null $thumbnail  */ public function __construct(product $product, uploadedfile $file, thumbnail $thumbnail = null) {     $this->product = $product;     $this->file = $file;     $this->thumbnail = $thumbnail ?: new thumbnail; }   /**  * process form.  */ public function save() {      // attach photo product.     $photo = $this->product->addphoto($this->makephoto());      // move file base directory file name.     $this->file->move($photo->basedir(), $photo->name);      // generate photo thumbnail.     $this->thumbnail->make($photo->path, $photo->thumbnail_path); }   /**  * make new photo instance.  *  * @return productphoto  */ protected function makephoto() {     return new productphoto(['name' => $this->makefilename()]); }   /**  * make filename, based on uploaded file.  *  * @return string  */ protected function makefilename() {      // file name original name     // , encrypt sha1     $name = sha1 (         time() . $this->file->getclientoriginalname()     );      // extension of photo.     $extension = $this->file->getclientoriginalextension();      // set name = merge together.     return "{$name}.{$extension}"; }  } 


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