c# - How to save a MS Chart in WMF format and insert in the PDF iTextSharp -

i've been working in asp.net mvc application (c#) in visual studio 2012. i've created several reports ms charts (to show them in pdf file i've used itextsharp). but, charts have bad quality when they're zoomed on 200%. because of save charts in wmf format (i found itextsharp doesn't support svg format). save chart in wmf format i've used next code:

 using (var chartimage = new memorystream())             {                  chartcentersbyyear.saveimage(chartimage, chartimageformat.png);                 using (var imagesys = system.drawing.image.fromstream(chartimage))                 {                      var image = itextsharp.text.image.getinstance(imagesys, system.drawing.imaging.imageformat.wmf);                     image.scalepercent(50f);                      image.setabsoluteposition(document.leftmargin + 40, document.bottommargin + 95);                      document.add(image);                 }              } 

but i've received error in line:

var image = itextsharp.text.image.getinstance(imagesys, system.drawing.imaging.imageformat.wmf); 

the error is:"value cannot null. parameter name: encoder". how can save chart in wmf format? thank in advance help.


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