android - Nested JsonArray parsing for Pinned ListView -
i'm using library make pinned section listview. api response below. need parse nested jsonarray problem i'm getting last object inside second loop jsonarray "products" such i'm getting same 2 list row item first section header instead of 2 different list row item . how parse nested jsonarray , add model class?
{ "all_cart_products": [ { "seller_id": "3", "seller_name": "avik roy", "email": "", "seller_image": "", "products": [ { "id": "7", "product_user_id": "3", "name": "rtutyikuyliou", "desc": "ytuykloiu sadfvdsbhdf fvdn dfjntgfkmhygdd dfsdhbgdf asfsedgdrjn sfvdsbhdf sfaswg adaswfg adxav adcasvfs adaswfsde safds", "quantity": "1", "unit_price": "100.00", "total_price1": 100, "total_price": "100.00", "itemimage": "", "totalquantity": "48" }, { "id": "1", "product_user_id": "3", "name": "product1", "desc": "ewfdewfs dvdfsovdfjudf bvdfofidksopdfb dfbldfjbldfb fdbdfkljbdfb dfbfkdjbdfb dfbdfjklbdfb dfbldfjkdf bdflkbjdfbdf bdfkljbdfb dfbldfkjbdf bdfbldfjkbdf bdfklbjdfdf bdfbjdflbdf bdf", "quantity": "1", "unit_price": "200.00", "total_price1": 200, "total_price": "200.00", "itemimage": "", "totalquantity": "50" } ] }, { "seller_id": "11", "seller_name": "kartik roy", "email": "", "seller_image": "", "products": [ { "id": "12", "product_user_id": "11", "name": "titli ghh\n", "desc": "uh ghd ff hg hi jj jf td ghh", "quantity": "1", "unit_price": "10.00", "total_price1": 10, "total_price": "10.00", "itemimage": "", "totalquantity": "5" } ] } ], "total_qty": 1, "ack": 1 }
private void preparedata(){ if(arraylist!=null )arraylist.clear(); stringrequest stringrequest = new stringrequest(, "", new response.listener<string>() { @override public void onresponse(string response) { string childimage="", childtitle="", childqty="", childprice=""; system.out.println("sammy_response "+response); try { jsonobject jobj = new jsonobject(response); if(jobj.getint("ack")==1){ jsonarray jsonarray = jobj.getjsonarray("all_cart_products"); for(int i=0;i<jsonarray.length();i++){ jsonobject main = jsonarray.getjsonobject(i); model = new model(); model.setheaderimage(main.getstring("seller_image")); model.setheadertext(main.getstring("seller_name")); model.setheaderid(main.getstring("seller_id")); jsonarray jarr = main.getjsonarray("products"); for(int j=0; j<jarr.length(); j++){ jsonobject obj = jarr.getjsonobject(j); /*childimage = obj.getstring("itemimage"); childtitle = obj.getstring("name"); childqty = obj.getstring("quantity"); childprice = obj.getstring("total_price");*/ model.setchildimage(obj.getstring("itemimage")); model.setchildtitle(obj.getstring("name")); model.setchildqty(obj.getstring("quantity")); model.setchildprice(obj.getstring("total_price")); arraylist.add(model); } /* model.setchildimage(childimage); model.setchildtitle(childtitle); model.setchildqty(childqty); model.setchildprice(childprice);*/ } } madapter.notifydatasetchanged(); } catch (jsonexception e) { // json error system.out.println("sammy_jsonerror "+e); } } }, new response.errorlistener() { @override public void onerrorresponse(volleyerror error) { if (error instanceof timeouterror) { toast.maketext(mainactivity.this,getstring(r.string.tooslow),toast.length_long).show(); }else if (error instanceof noconnectionerror){ toast.maketext(mainactivity.this,getstring(r.string.nointernet),toast.length_long).show(); }else if (error instanceof authfailureerror) { system.out.println("sammy_authfailureerror "+error); } else if (error instanceof servererror) { system.out.println("sammy_servererror "+error); } else if (error instanceof networkerror) { system.out.println("sammy_networkerror "+error); } else if (error instanceof parseerror) { system.out.println("sammy_parseerror "+error); } } }) { @override protected map<string, string> getparams() { map<string, string> params = new hashmap<string, string>(); params.put("user_id", "7"); return params; } }; requestqueue requestqueue = volley.newrequestqueue(mainactivity.this); requestqueue.add(stringrequest); stringrequest.setretrypolicy(new defaultretrypolicy( 10000, defaultretrypolicy.default_max_retries, defaultretrypolicy.default_backoff_mult)); }
add dependancy
compile ''
and use parser class.
public class myparserclass {"all_cart_products") public list<allcartproducts> allcartproducts;"total_qty") public int totalqty;"ack") public int ack; public static class products {"id") public string id;"product_user_id") public string productuserid;"name") public string name;"desc") public string desc;"quantity") public string quantity;"unit_price") public string unitprice;"total_price1") public int totalprice1;"total_price") public string totalprice;"itemimage") public string itemimage;"totalquantity") public string totalquantity; public string getid() { return id; } public void setid(string id) { = id; } public string getproductuserid() { return productuserid; } public void setproductuserid(string productuserid) { this.productuserid = productuserid; } public string getname() { return name; } public void setname(string name) { = name; } public string getdesc() { return desc; } public void setdesc(string desc) { this.desc = desc; } public string getquantity() { return quantity; } public void setquantity(string quantity) { this.quantity = quantity; } public string getunitprice() { return unitprice; } public void setunitprice(string unitprice) { this.unitprice = unitprice; } public int gettotalprice1() { return totalprice1; } public void settotalprice1(int totalprice1) { this.totalprice1 = totalprice1; } public string gettotalprice() { return totalprice; } public void settotalprice(string totalprice) { this.totalprice = totalprice; } public string getitemimage() { return itemimage; } public void setitemimage(string itemimage) { this.itemimage = itemimage; } public string gettotalquantity() { return totalquantity; } public void settotalquantity(string totalquantity) { this.totalquantity = totalquantity; } } public static class allcartproducts {"seller_id") public string sellerid;"seller_name") public string sellername;"email") public string email;"seller_image") public string sellerimage;"products") public list<products> products; public string getsellerid() { return sellerid; } public void setsellerid(string sellerid) { this.sellerid = sellerid; } public string getsellername() { return sellername; } public void setsellername(string sellername) { this.sellername = sellername; } public string getemail() { return email; } public void setemail(string email) { = email; } public string getsellerimage() { return sellerimage; } public void setsellerimage(string sellerimage) { this.sellerimage = sellerimage; } public list<products> getproducts() { return products; } public void setproducts(list<products> products) { this.products = products; } } }
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