android - Nested JsonArray parsing for Pinned ListView -

enter image description herei'm using library make pinned section listview. api response below. need parse nested jsonarray problem i'm getting last object inside second loop jsonarray "products" such i'm getting same 2 list row item first section header instead of 2 different list row item . how parse nested jsonarray , add model class?

{    "all_cart_products": [      {        "seller_id": "3",        "seller_name": "avik roy",        "email": "",        "seller_image": "",        "products": [          {            "id": "7",            "product_user_id": "3",            "name": "rtutyikuyliou",            "desc": "ytuykloiu sadfvdsbhdf fvdn dfjntgfkmhygdd dfsdhbgdf asfsedgdrjn sfvdsbhdf sfaswg adaswfg adxav adcasvfs adaswfsde safds",            "quantity": "1",            "unit_price": "100.00",            "total_price1": 100,            "total_price": "100.00",            "itemimage": "",            "totalquantity": "48"          },          {            "id": "1",            "product_user_id": "3",            "name": "product1",            "desc": "ewfdewfs dvdfsovdfjudf bvdfofidksopdfb dfbldfjbldfb fdbdfkljbdfb dfbfkdjbdfb dfbdfjklbdfb dfbldfjkdf bdflkbjdfbdf bdfkljbdfb dfbldfkjbdf bdfbldfjkbdf bdfklbjdfdf bdfbjdflbdf bdf",            "quantity": "1",            "unit_price": "200.00",            "total_price1": 200,            "total_price": "200.00",            "itemimage": "",            "totalquantity": "50"          }        ]      },      {        "seller_id": "11",        "seller_name": "kartik  roy",        "email": "",        "seller_image": "",        "products": [          {            "id": "12",            "product_user_id": "11",            "name": "titli ghh\n",            "desc": "uh ghd ff hg hi jj jf td ghh",            "quantity": "1",            "unit_price": "10.00",            "total_price1": 10,            "total_price": "10.00",            "itemimage": "",            "totalquantity": "5"          }        ]      }    ],    "total_qty": 1,    "ack": 1  }
private void preparedata(){          if(arraylist!=null )arraylist.clear();          stringrequest stringrequest = new stringrequest(, "",                  new response.listener<string>() {                      @override                      public void onresponse(string response) {                          string childimage="", childtitle="", childqty="", childprice="";                          system.out.println("sammy_response "+response);                          try {                              jsonobject jobj = new jsonobject(response);                              if(jobj.getint("ack")==1){                                  jsonarray jsonarray = jobj.getjsonarray("all_cart_products");                                  for(int i=0;i<jsonarray.length();i++){                                      jsonobject main = jsonarray.getjsonobject(i);                                      model = new model();                                        model.setheaderimage(main.getstring("seller_image"));                                       model.setheadertext(main.getstring("seller_name"));                                       model.setheaderid(main.getstring("seller_id"));                                      jsonarray jarr = main.getjsonarray("products");                                      for(int j=0; j<jarr.length(); j++){                                          jsonobject obj = jarr.getjsonobject(j);                                          /*childimage = obj.getstring("itemimage");                                          childtitle = obj.getstring("name");                                          childqty = obj.getstring("quantity");                                          childprice = obj.getstring("total_price");*/                                           model.setchildimage(obj.getstring("itemimage"));                                          model.setchildtitle(obj.getstring("name"));                                           model.setchildqty(obj.getstring("quantity"));                                           model.setchildprice(obj.getstring("total_price"));                                            arraylist.add(model);                                      }                                     /* model.setchildimage(childimage);                                      model.setchildtitle(childtitle);                                      model.setchildqty(childqty);                                      model.setchildprice(childprice);*/                                  }                              }                              madapter.notifydatasetchanged();                          } catch (jsonexception e) {                              // json error                              system.out.println("sammy_jsonerror "+e);                          }                      }                  }, new response.errorlistener() {              @override              public void onerrorresponse(volleyerror error) {                  if (error instanceof timeouterror) {                     toast.maketext(mainactivity.this,getstring(r.string.tooslow),toast.length_long).show();                  }else if (error instanceof noconnectionerror){                      toast.maketext(mainactivity.this,getstring(r.string.nointernet),toast.length_long).show();                  }else if (error instanceof authfailureerror) {                      system.out.println("sammy_authfailureerror "+error);                  } else if (error instanceof servererror) {                      system.out.println("sammy_servererror "+error);                  } else if (error instanceof networkerror) {                      system.out.println("sammy_networkerror "+error);                  } else if (error instanceof parseerror) {                      system.out.println("sammy_parseerror "+error);                  }              }          }) {              @override              protected map<string, string> getparams() {                  map<string, string> params = new hashmap<string, string>();                  params.put("user_id", "7");                  return params;              }          };            requestqueue requestqueue = volley.newrequestqueue(mainactivity.this);          requestqueue.add(stringrequest);          stringrequest.setretrypolicy(new defaultretrypolicy(                  10000,                  defaultretrypolicy.default_max_retries,                  defaultretrypolicy.default_backoff_mult));      }

add dependancy

compile ''

and use parser class.

 public class myparserclass {"all_cart_products") public list<allcartproducts> allcartproducts;"total_qty") public int totalqty;"ack") public int ack;  public static class products {"id")     public string id;"product_user_id")     public string productuserid;"name")     public string name;"desc")     public string desc;"quantity")     public string quantity;"unit_price")     public string unitprice;"total_price1")     public int totalprice1;"total_price")     public string totalprice;"itemimage")     public string itemimage;"totalquantity")     public string totalquantity;      public string getid() {         return id;     }      public void setid(string id) { = id;     }      public string getproductuserid() {         return productuserid;     }      public void setproductuserid(string productuserid) {         this.productuserid = productuserid;     }      public string getname() {         return name;     }      public void setname(string name) { = name;     }      public string getdesc() {         return desc;     }      public void setdesc(string desc) {         this.desc = desc;     }      public string getquantity() {         return quantity;     }      public void setquantity(string quantity) {         this.quantity = quantity;     }      public string getunitprice() {         return unitprice;     }      public void setunitprice(string unitprice) {         this.unitprice = unitprice;     }      public int gettotalprice1() {         return totalprice1;     }      public void settotalprice1(int totalprice1) {         this.totalprice1 = totalprice1;     }      public string gettotalprice() {         return totalprice;     }      public void settotalprice(string totalprice) {         this.totalprice = totalprice;     }      public string getitemimage() {         return itemimage;     }      public void setitemimage(string itemimage) {         this.itemimage = itemimage;     }      public string gettotalquantity() {         return totalquantity;     }      public void settotalquantity(string totalquantity) {         this.totalquantity = totalquantity;     } }  public static class allcartproducts {"seller_id")     public string sellerid;"seller_name")     public string sellername;"email")     public string email;"seller_image")     public string sellerimage;"products")     public list<products> products;      public string getsellerid() {         return sellerid;     }      public void setsellerid(string sellerid) {         this.sellerid = sellerid;     }      public string getsellername() {         return sellername;     }      public void setsellername(string sellername) {         this.sellername = sellername;     }      public string getemail() {         return email;     }      public void setemail(string email) { = email;     }      public string getsellerimage() {         return sellerimage;     }      public void setsellerimage(string sellerimage) {         this.sellerimage = sellerimage;     }      public list<products> getproducts() {         return products;     }      public void setproducts(list<products> products) {         this.products = products;     } } } 


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