Perspective function in MV.js webgl -

let's suppose clip volume [-2,2] in x,y,z. want use perspective function inbuilt in mv.js takes parameters fovy,aspect ratio,-near,-far don't understand how choose these parameters -near,-far.

no idea mv.js in general perspective functions take znear , zfar parameters. set them relative scale of scene. in case might set them znear = 0.001 , zfar = 4

this make frustum (the space can see that's shaped 4 sided cone) can see things -0.001 units away origin -4 units away origin. if set znear 0.1 -0.09 clipped.

i have no idea mean suppose clip volume [-2,2] in x,y,z. clip volume of webgl -1, 1 in x,y,z.

in normal use case when apply perspective matrix clip volume becomes frustum defined parameters. z clip volume becomes -znear -zfar. x , y clip volumes scale along z axis. @ -znear y clip goes -znear/2 +znear/2 , xaxis goes -znear/2 * aspect +znear/2 * aspect. @ zfar x , y axis scaled field of view requested.

there's live digram of clip space defined perspective function on this page.


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