javascript - Magnific-Popup Gallery with two image tag in a single a tag -

i'm making gallery magnific-popup speed website i've inside tag 2 different image. 1 big screen , 1 small screen. i'm hidding 1 or other 1 image bootstrap class (hidden-lg hidden-md & hidden-sm hidden-xs).

the problem when click on tag open image gallery, magnific-popup try open hidden image , return "the image not loaded".

<li>    <figure>      <div class="gallery-item">        <a href="assets/upload/images/romantic/clem-onojeghuo-193397.jpg" title="" class="gallery-item">          <img src="/assets/image-cache/romantic/clem-onojeghuo-193397.5ddf5942.jpg" alt="" class="hidden-lg hidden-md">          <img src="/assets/image-cache/romantic/clem-onojeghuo-193397.36620614.jpg" alt="" class="hidden-sm hidden-xs">          <div class="gallery-caption">            <div class="centrize">              <div class="v-center"><i class="hc-search"></i></div>            </div>          </div>        </a>      </div>    </figure>  </li>

$('.gallery-item').magnificpopup({    type: 'image',    gallery:{      enabled:true    }  });

it own error because i've 2 time "gallery-item" class. 1 on div tag , other on tag.


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