JMeter groovy pre-processor throws exception when trying to empty “Custom SOAP Sampler”'s list of registered attachments -

i'm trying create groovy-based pre-processor (jsr223preprocessor) **custom soap sampler* plugin, intended cover following tasks:

  • read list of file attachments csv input file;
  • empty list of attachments registered custom soap sampler;
  • register attachments read csv file custom soap sampler.

after quite extensive research on net--i'm new whole groovy, java, jmeter topic--, managed assemble groovy script shown below.

// read data csv input file arraylist reclst = new arraylist(); string fldsep = vars.get("fldsep"); string fldhd = vars.get("fldhd");  new file(vars.get("indat")).eachline('utf-8') {     if ((it != null) && (fldhd != null) && (!it.trim().equals(fldhd.trim()))) {         reclst.add(it.trim());     } // if } // file.eachline  // extract relevant parts , feed custom soap sampler (registered attachments) // csv format:  tmstmp;prodid;tenid;fnam;mdat if (reclst.size() > 0) {     // empty current attachment list     arraylist oldatts = ctx.getcurrentsampler().getattachments();      if (oldatts.size() > 0) {         (attdef in oldatts) {             attdef.attachment = null;              attdef.contentid = null;             attdef.contenttype = null;             attdef.type = null;         } //     } // if      // create new attachment list     arraylist newatts = new arraylist();      (rec in reclst) {         string[] flds = rec.split(fldsep);          def attdef = ctx.getcurrentsampler().getattachmentdefinition();         attdef.attachment = new file(flds[3]);          attdef.contentid = "flds[0]";          attdef.contenttype = "application/pdf"; // 1 of selections dropdown (no pdf listed there)         attdef.type = 1;                        // 1 = resource, 2 = variable          newatts.add(attdef);     } //      if (newatts.size() > 0) {         ctx.getcurrentsampler().setattachments(newatts);     } // if } // if 

in previous post faced issue blazemeter's step-by-step-debugger plugin, resolved not using it. challenge popped existence.

executing test plan results in error message, reading

unable update attachment references, see log files details. 

having peek jmeter.log file reveals

<nul><nul><nul><nul><nul><nul><nul><nul>... ...<nul><nul><nul><nul>... ... 2017/04/07 09:14:47 info  - jmeter.engine.standardjmeterengine: running test!  2017/04/07 09:14:47 info  - jmeter.samplers.sampleevent: list of sample_variables: []  2017/04/07 09:14:48 info  - jmeter.gui.util.jmetermenubar: setrunning(true,*local*)  2017/04/07 09:14:48 info  - jmeter.engine.standardjmeterengine: starting threadgroup: 1 : number of users (single key)  2017/04/07 09:14:48 info  - jmeter.engine.standardjmeterengine: starting 1 threads group number of users (single key).  2017/04/07 09:14:48 info  - jmeter.engine.standardjmeterengine: thread continue on error  2017/04/07 09:14:48 info  - jmeter.threads.threadgroup: starting thread group number 1 threads 1 ramp-up 1 perthread 1000.0 delayedstart=false  2017/04/07 09:14:48 info  - jmeter.threads.threadgroup: started thread group number 1  2017/04/07 09:14:48 info  - jmeter.engine.standardjmeterengine: thread groups have been started  2017/04/07 09:14:48 info  - jmeter.threads.jmeterthread: thread started: number of users (single key) 1-1  2017/04/07 09:14:48 info  - stored: /media/sf_projects/tstprj/archive/tstdoc.csv  2017/04/07 09:14:48 error - jmeter.modifiers.jsr223preprocessor: problem in jsr223 script jsr223 preprocessor javax.script.scriptexception: javax.script.scriptexception: java.lang.illegalargumentexception: can not set int field com.jmeter.protocol.soap.control.gui.attachmentdefinition.type null value     @ org.codehaus.groovy.jsr223.groovyscriptengineimpl.eval(     @ javax.script.abstractscriptengine.eval(     @ org.apache.jmeter.util.jsr223testelement.processfileorscript(     @ org.apache.jmeter.modifiers.jsr223preprocessor.process(     @ org.apache.jmeter.threads.jmeterthread.runpreprocessors(     @ org.apache.jmeter.threads.jmeterthread.executesamplepackage(     @ org.apache.jmeter.threads.jmeterthread.processsampler(     @     @ caused by: javax.script.scriptexception: java.lang.illegalargumentexception: can not set int field com.jmeter.protocol.soap.control.gui.attachmentdefinition.type null value     @ org.codehaus.groovy.jsr223.groovyscriptengineimpl.eval(     @ org.codehaus.groovy.jsr223.groovyscriptengineimpl.eval(     ... 8 more caused by: java.lang.illegalargumentexception: can not set int field com.jmeter.protocol.soap.control.gui.attachmentdefinition.type null value     @ sun.reflect.unsafefieldaccessorimpl.throwsetillegalargumentexception(     @ sun.reflect.unsafefieldaccessorimpl.throwsetillegalargumentexception(     @ sun.reflect.unsafeintegerfieldaccessorimpl.set(     @ java.lang.reflect.field.set(     @ org.codehaus.groovy.reflection.cachedfield.setproperty(     @ groovy.lang.metaclassimpl.setproperty(     @ groovy.lang.metaclassimpl.setproperty(     @ org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.invokerhelper.setproperty(     @ org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.scriptbytecodeadapter.setproperty(     @     @ org.codehaus.groovy.jsr223.groovyscriptengineimpl.eval(     ... 9 more 2017/04/07 09:14:49 error - com.jmeter.protocol.soap.sampler.customsoapsampler: caught exception while updating attachments javax.xml.soap.soapexception: inputstream not represent valid soap 1.2 message     @ com.sun.xml.internal.messaging.saaj.soap.ver1_2.soappart1_2impl.createenvelopefromsource(     @ com.sun.xml.internal.messaging.saaj.soap.soappartimpl.getenvelope(     @ com.jmeter.protocol.soap.sampler.customsoapsampler.updateattachmentreferences(     @ com.jmeter.protocol.soap.sampler.customsoapsampler.sample(     @ org.apache.jmeter.threads.jmeterthread.executesamplepackage(     @ org.apache.jmeter.threads.jmeterthread.processsampler(     @     @ 2017/04/07 09:14:51 info  - jmeter.threads.jmeterthread: stopping thread: org.apache.jorphan.util.jmeterstopthreadexception: unable update attachment references  2017/04/07 09:14:51 info  - jmeter.threads.jmeterthread: stop thread detected thread: number of users (single key) 1-1  2017/04/07 09:14:51 info  - jmeter.threads.jmeterthread: thread finished: number of users (single key) 1-1  2017/04/07 09:14:51 info  - jmeter.engine.standardjmeterengine: notifying test listeners of end of test  2017/04/07 09:14:51 info  - close: /media/sf_projects/tstprj/archive/tstdoc.csv  2017/04/07 09:14:51 info  - jmeter.gui.util.jmetermenubar: setrunning(false,*local*)  

apparently approach taken empty list of registered attachments leading kind of error, begging question how implement correct fashion (where these nul entries coming from, making apprximately 95% of whole log file?).

one tackled, 1 go..

my setup comprises:

  • ubuntu linux 17.04;
  • apache jmeter 3.1 r1770033;
  • blazemeter step-by-step debugger 0.3;
  • custom soap sampler 1.3;
  • groovy 2.4.7 (scripting engine 2.0).

sample input csv file

tmstmp;prodid;tenid;fnam;mdat '20170406112044044970077';'prod01';'tenant03';'/media/sf_projects/tstprj/archive/tstdoc/tstdoc-00000.pdf';'<?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?><tstpfx:metainformation xmlns:tstpfx= id=000000069496>meta data #01</tstpfx:metainformation> ' '20170406112047030620037';'prod02';'tenant01';'/media/sf_projects/tstprj/archive/tstdoc/tstdoc-00001.pdf';'<?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?><tstpfx:metainformation xmlns:tstpfx= id=000000069496>meta data #02</tstpfx:metainformation> ' 

this file getting read twice: (1) jsr223 pre-processor build attachment list; (2) custom soap sampler, subsequently iterates on each entry of file, , passes relevant bits & bobs soap envelop

<soapenv:envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:tstprj="">    <soapenv:header/>    <soapenv:body>       <tstprj:archive>          <product>${prodid}</product>          <tenant>${tenid}</tenant>          <filename>${fnam}</filename>          <metadata>${mdat}</metadata>          <content>cid:${tmstmp}</content>       </tstprj:archive>    </soapenv:body> </soapenv:envelope> 


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