javascript - Change xtype combo to lovcombo EXT JS 2 -

i have list support products shows me names of support products. want combo can choose more 1 value. tried lovcombo not work me.

i appreciate help

        xtype : 'combo',                 fieldlabel: this.i18n.fieldprodapoyo,                      hiddenname  : 'fovafisioprodapoyo',                      displayfield: 'matenombre',                      valuefield  : 'mateid',                   typeahead   : true,                   emptytext: this.i18n.comboproductosemptytext,                   forceselection: true,                   titlecollapse: true,                   triggeraction: 'all',                                     store: new{                            url : ctx + '/',                            autoload : true,                            remotesort : false,                            baseparams : {                                  op : 'listcombo'                            },                            sortinfo : {                                  field : "matenombre",                                  direction : "asc"                            },                            fields : ['mateid', 'matenombre']                                          }) 

try multiselect:true; in combo. remember work 'ctrl' press when select more 1 value.


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