c# - Discord Add Guild Member 401 Error Despite Apparently Valid Acces Token -

i new discord's api, , working project needs able add guild member programmatically. i've learned how authorization code (with identify , guilds.join scopes), redeem access token, , user's id. last step use access code , user id add guild. command detailed here:


it seems need send put request url:


but results in response:

{"code": 0, "message": "401: unauthorized"}

i have tried including access token in authorization header:

authorization: bearer [redacted]

i've tried adding json body request:


neither has worked. unsurprisingly, using both @ same time hasn't worked either.

i wondered if permissions issue, discord confirms have guilds.join scope. json receive when exchanging authorization code access token:

{"access_token": "[redacted]", "token_type": "bearer", "expires_in": 604800, "refresh_token": "[redacted]", "scope": "identify guilds.join"}

the identify scope works since able retrieve user , id. guilds.join doesn't seem work.

i have included test code below. have marked "option 1" , "option 2" lines signify wouldn't typically both of these access code methods in same request. mentioned earlier, did try both, , still got 401 error.

using (webclient client = new webclient()) {     client.headers.add(httprequestheader.contenttype, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");     client.headers.add(httprequestheader.authorization, "bearer [redacted]");//option 1     string output = client.uploadstring     (         "https://discordapp.com/api/guilds/[guildid]/members/[userid]",         webrequestmethods.http.put,         "{\"access_token\":\"[redacted]\"}"//option 2     ); } 

because i'd understand intracacies of how works, i'd prefer know how ordinary web requests (such httpwebrequest , webclient, opposed using oauth library).

i answering own question may have figured out. works when execute below:

using (webclient client = new webclient()) {     client.headers.add(httprequestheader.contenttype, "application/json");     client.headers.add(httprequestheader.authorization, "bot [redacted]");     string output = client.uploadstring     (         "https://discordapp.com/api/guilds/[guildid]/members/[userid]",         webrequestmethods.http.put,         "{\"access_token\":\"[redacted]\"}"     ); } 

notice changed content type of "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" "application/json." changed using authorization header of "bearer" "bot," , using bot's token. using same access token before. plan accept answer if no better solutions come in.
