python - Couldnt see the result of computed field as a normal user in ODOO V8 -

i have problem, have 2 float computed fields. result , value seen if logged in adminstrator, couldnt seen if logged in normal user. ive set security in modul here field :

class overtime_details(models.model):     _name='overtime.overtime_details'      ovrtm = fields.float(compute=attd_check, string='overtime hour(s)')     ttalmtp = fields.float(compute=overtype_count, string='total multiplier') 

and here picture when logged in normal user : enter image description here

then here picture when logged in administrator : enter image description here

and here security permission csv :

id,name,model_id:id,group_id:id,perm_read,perm_write,perm_create,perm_unlink overtime_formsec,overtime_formsec,model_overtime_overtime,,1,1,1,1 overtime_employee_list,overtime_employee_list,model_overtime_overtime_details,,1,1,1,1 overtime_type_list,overtime_type_list,model_overtime_type_overtime,,1,1,1,1 overtime_type_hours,overtime_type_hours,model_overtime_hour_overtime,,1,1,1,1 

and here attd_check function :

@api.model     def attd_check(self):         #import pdb;pdb.set_trace()         attds in self:             if                 ov = 0.0                 attd = self.env['hr.attendance']                 paratime = (datetime.strptime(attds.overtime_id.start_date, "%y-%m-%d %h:%m:%s") - relativedelta(days=1, hours=7)).strftime("%y-%m-%d 23:59:59")                 signin =[('name','<=',attds.overtime_id.start_date),                         ('name','>',paratime),                          ('employee_id','=',, ('action','=','sign_in')])                 signout =[('name','>=',attds.overtime_id.end_date),                          ('employee_id','=',, ('action','=','sign_out')])                 signout2 =[('name','<',attds.overtime_id.end_date), ('name','>',attds.overtime_id.start_date),                             ('employee_id','=',, ('action','=','sign_out')])                 if signin:                     if signout:                         ov = attds.env['overtime.overtime'].calc_overtime(attds.overtime_id.start_date, attds.overtime_id.end_date)                     elif signout2:                         paramtole = datetime.strptime(, "%y-%m-%d %h:%m:%s").strftime("%m:%s")                         tolerate = datetime.strptime("15:00", "%m:%s").strftime("%m:%s")                         tolerate2 = datetime.strptime(str(attds.overtime_id.tolerance), "%m.%s").strftime("%m:%s")                         if paramtole >= tolerate2 :                             ov = attds.env['vit_overtime.overtime'].calc_overtime(attds.overtime_id.start_date, + 1                         elif paramtole < tolerate :                             ov = attds.env['overtime.overtime'].calc_overtime(attds.overtime_id.start_date,                         else :                             ov = attds.env['overtime.overtime'].calc_overtime(attds.overtime_id.start_date,                     else:                         ov = 0.0                 else:                     ov = 0.0                  attds.ovrtm = ov 

overtype count function :

@api.model     def overtype_count(self):         #import pdb;pdb.set_trace()         det in self:             if                 check = self.env['overtime.hour_overtime'].search([('hour_id.code','=',det.overtime_id.overtimetype_id.code)])                 if check:                     if det.overtime_id.state == 'done':                         ovt=0                         counter = 1                         hou in check:                             if det.ovrtm <= 0:                                 det.ovrtm = ovt                             elif counter <= det.ovrtm:                                 ttal = ovt + hou.calc                                 ovt = ttal                                 counter = counter + 1                             else :                                 det.ttalmtp = ovt                     else :                         det.ttalmtp = 0 

what should resolve this, before :)

i have solved this, added sudo() before search or browse in function, example:


signin =[('name','<=',attds.overtime_id.start_date),                         ('name','>',paratime),                          ('employee_id','=',, ('action','=','sign_in')]) 

after adding sudo():

signin = attd.sudo().search([('name','<=',attds.overtime_id.start_date),                         ('name','>',paratime),                          ('employee_id','=',, ('action','=','sign_in')]) 


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