php - How to interpret line break between two MySQL databases -

i've old mysql database column: note encoded ut8_general_ci, type longtext

i've new mysql database column: publicnote encoded ut8_general_ci, type longtext

so, migrate data old database new one. this, i've php script request old database , processing on data. i've problem here.

there exemple of old database data

de : xxxx  vers : gare vol/train : tgv paris heure : xxxx   destination : xxxx 

there 2 line break between 'heure' , 'destination' lines.

and data migrated new database :

de : xxxxx vers : gare vol/train : tgv paris heure : xxxx destination : xxxx 

as can see, line break not added new database. i've tried nl2br, str_replace, trim doesn't work. if @ hexa code, can not seen backspace code, space (code 20).

bin2hex($row['publicnote']) 4465203a20585858582056657273203a204761726520566f6c2f547261696e203a20544756205061726973204865757265203a20585858582044657374696e6174696f6e203a2058585858 

if @ json_encode($row['publicnote']):

de : xxxx vers : gare vol\/train : tgv paris heure : xxxx destination : xxxx 

i'm confused, not understand why line break not interpreted. it's if there not \n end of line on mysql


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