tcp ip - C++ TCP/IP bind error and setsockopt erorr -

i have error since 3 days ago. tried knowledge, still didn't solved

source code here

bind error

first, setsockopt function has error. searched error can't find way of solution. think if setsockopt function solve, can solve problem.

all :

#define _crt_secure_no_warnings #include <iostream> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <conio.h> #include <winsock2.h> #include <winsock.h> #include <process.h>  #pragma comment(lib, "ws2_32.lib")  #define bufsize 1024  using namespace std;  critical_section crit;  void em(char* str) {     cout << str << endl;     getch();     exit(1); }  typedef struct useraccount {     int id;     char name[bufsize]; }usraccnt;  class rs { public:     char ms[bufsize];     char name_t[bufsize] = {};     int caddrsize;      timeval timeout;      fd_set reads, temps;      usraccnt* users;      dword senthreadid;     dword recthreadid;      handle hsenthread;     handle hrecthread;      void runthread() {         hsenthread =             (handle)_beginthreadex(null, 0, __senthread, null, 0, (unsigned*)&senthreadid);         hrecthread =             (handle)_beginthreadex(null, 0, __recthread, null, 0, (unsigned*)&senthreadid);     } protected:      void (rs::*recthreadfunc)() = &rs::recthread;     void (rs::*senthreadfunc)() = &rs::senthread;      static unsigned int __stdcall __senthread(lpvoid arg) {         rs sendata;         (sendata.*sendata.senthreadfunc)();         return 0;     }     static unsigned int __stdcall __recthread(lpvoid arg) {         rs recdata;         (recdata.*recdata.recthreadfunc)();         return 0;     }      virtual void recthread() {         cout << "call" << endl;     }     virtual void senthread() {         cout << "call" << endl;     }  };  int main() {     rs data;      wsadata data;      socket csock;     socket ssock;      sockaddr_in saddr;     sockaddr_in caddr;      linger ling;     ling.l_onoff = 1;     ling.l_linger = 0;     void* bf = (int*)1;     int stat;      int result;      if (wsastartup(makeword(2, 2), &data) != 0) {         em("wsastartup error");     }      if (ssock = socket(pf_inet, sock_stream, 0) == invalid_socket) {         em("socket error");     }      stat = setsockopt(ssock, sol_socket, so_reuseaddr, (const char*)&bf, sizeof(bf));     cout << stat << endl;     //cout << (const char*)bf << endl;      memset(&saddr, 0x00, sizeof(saddr));      saddr.sin_family = af_inet;     saddr.sin_addr.s_un.s_addr = htonl(inaddr_any);     saddr.sin_port = htons(atoi("25565"));      if (bind(ssock, (sockaddr*)&saddr, sizeof(saddr)) == socket_error) {         em("bind error");     }      if (listen(ssock, 5) == socket_error) {         em("listen error");     }     cout << "listen..." << endl << endl;      fd_zero(&data.reads);     fd_set(0, &data.reads);      while (true)     {         data.temps = data.reads;          data.timeout.tv_usec = 0;         data.timeout.tv_sec = 5;          if ((result = select(0, &data.temps, 0, 0, &data.timeout)) == -1) {             em("select error");         }         else if (result == 0) {             em("timeout.");         }          (int = 0; < data.reads.fd_count; i++) {             if (fd_isset(data.reads.fd_array[i], &data.temps)) {                 if (data.reads.fd_array[i] == ssock) {                     data.caddrsize = sizeof(caddr);                     data.reads.fd_array[i] = accept(ssock, (sockaddr*)&caddr, &data.caddrsize);                     fd_set(data.reads.fd_array[i], &data.reads);                     cout << "client joined server. id :" << data.reads.fd_array[i] << endl << endl;                 }                 else {                     cout << "call" << endl;                 }             }         }     }     getch();     return 0; } 


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