c++ - Why wide variations of runtime exists when running UnionFind in Windows and Mac OS? -

recently attended courses data structure, learned performance of quickunion better quickfind when connecting 2 elements. when testing same code in gcc, windows 10 instead of mac os x, teacher's machine, got entirely different result of runtime didn't know why. here code of quickfind.

#ifndef inc_03_quick_union_unionfind1_h #define inc_03_quick_union_unionfind1_h  #include <cassert>  using namespace std;   namespace uf1 {      class unionfind {      private:         int *id;         int count;      public:         unionfind(int n) {             count = n;             id = new int[n];             (int = 0; < n; i++)                 id[i] = i;         }          ~unionfind() {             delete[] id;         }          int find(int p) {             assert(p >= 0 && p < count);             return id[p];         }          bool isconnected(int p, int q) {             return find(p) == find(q);         }          void unionelements(int p, int q) {              int pid = find(p);             int qid = find(q);              if (pid == qid)                 return;              (int = 0; < count; i++)                 if (id[i] == pid)                     id[i] = qid;         }     }; }  #endif //inc_03_quick_union_unionfind1_h 

and quickunion:

#ifndef inc_03_quick_union_unionfind2_h #define inc_03_quick_union_unionfind2_h  #include <cassert>  using namespace std;   namespace uf2{      class unionfind{      private:         int* parent;         int count;      public:         unionfind(int count){             parent = new int[count];             this->count = count;             for( int = 0 ; < count ; ++ )                 parent[i] = i;         }          ~unionfind(){             delete[] parent;         }          int find(int p){             assert( p >= 0 && p < count );             while( p != parent[p] )                 p = parent[p];             return p;         }          bool isconnected( int p , int q ){             return find(p) == find(q);         }          void unionelements(int p, int q){              int proot = find(p);             int qroot = find(q);              if( proot == qroot )                 return;              parent[proot] = qroot;         }     }; }  #endif //inc_03_quick_union_unionfind2_h 

then unionfindtesthelper, class can test 2 kinds of data structure:

#ifndef inc_03_quick_union_unionfindtesthelper_h #define inc_03_quick_union_unionfindtesthelper_h  #include <iostream> #include <ctime> #include "unionfind1.h" #include "unionfind2.h"  using namespace std;  namespace unionfindtesthelper{      void testuf1( int n ){          srand( time(null) );         uf1::unionfind uf = uf1::unionfind(n);          time_t starttime = clock();          for( int = 0 ; < n ; ++ ){             int = rand()%n;             int b = rand()%n;             uf.unionelements(a,b);         }         for(int = 0 ; < n ; ++ ){             int = rand()%n;             int b = rand()%n;             uf.isconnected(a,b);         }         time_t endtime = clock();          cout<<"uf1, "<<2*n<<" ops, "<<double(endtime-starttime)/clocks_per_sec<<" s"<<endl;     }      void testuf2( int n ){          srand( time(null) );         uf2::unionfind uf = uf2::unionfind(n);          time_t starttime = clock();          for( int = 0 ; < n ; ++ ){             int = rand()%n;             int b = rand()%n;             uf.unionelements(a,b);         }         for(int = 0 ; < n ; ++ ){             int = rand()%n;             int b = rand()%n;             uf.isconnected(a,b);         }         time_t endtime = clock();          cout<<"uf2, "<<2*n<<" ops, "<<double(endtime-starttime)/clocks_per_sec<<" s"<<endl;     } }  #endif //inc_03_quick_union_unionfindtesthelper_h   

finally main.cpp:

#include <iostream> #include "unionfindtesthelper.h"  using namespace std;   int main() {      int n = 100000;      unionfindtesthelper::testuf1(n);     unionfindtesthelper::testuf2(n);      return 0; } 

teacher tested quickunion can save 1 half of time quickfind, when tested in windows 10 x64 2 runtime results same. don't know whether make mistakes or difference of operating systems lead to.

first, wrote :

i learned performance of quickunion better quickfind when connecting 2 elements. when testing same code...

but, test program not test union performance union plus find.

secondly, here order of growth n elements quckunion , quickfind:


  • find: o(1)
  • union: o(n)


  • find: o(tree's height)
  • union: o(tree's height)

quickunion not faster quickfind test program.

  • quickfind efficient if doing many more find union.
  • quickunion can more efficient if more union find.

finaly, performance on quickunion data structure not on tall trees.

in test program, tree's height depend on rand() function results. explains why results vary 1 system another. should rewrite test program without rand() in order make reproducible.


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