office365 - How to get lists from sharepoint site using graph api beta -

i'm following documentation here

i want enumerate lists default site.

  1. get siteid using /sharepoint/site end point(works fine)
  2. request lists using sharepoint/sites/{{siteid}}/lists doesn't work returns 404 following message

    { "error": { "code": "itemnotfound", "message": "requested site not found", "innererror": { "request-id": "34b1b51a-59ba-4c56-991a-319ffbe33005", "date": "2017-04-07t10:46:40" } } }

any pointers

i'm assuming have confirmed there list within site. you'll 404 if attempt fetch list collection site without one.

more you're using wrong id. documentation bit ambiguous property means {site-id}.

when fetch site, there both siteid , id property. want id property. using siteid result in 404.

{     "createddatetime": "",     "description": "",     "id": "**** use 1 ****",     "lastmodifieddatetime": "",     "name": "",     "weburl": "",     "root": {},     "sitecollection": {         "hostname": ""     },     "sitecollectionid": "",     "siteid": "**** not 1 ****" } 
