python 2.7 - Matplotlib: Displaying and closing a plot using a loop -

using matplotlib , loop, possible display plot given period of time , have close when loop done?

i have tried following, plot remains open , loop doesn't end:

import matplotlib.pyplot plt import psychopy  x = [34.00,108.00,64.00,99.00,99.00,51.00] y = [5.00,17.00,11.00,8.00,14.00,5.00]  scatter(x, y, color = "black")  clock = core.clock()  while clock.gettime() < 10.0:  plt.close() 


you can use interactive mode plt.ion() in combination plt.pause().

e.g. show window 5 seconds:

import matplotlib.pyplot plt  x = [34.00,108.00,64.00,99.00,99.00,51.00] y = [5.00,17.00,11.00,8.00,14.00,5.00]  plt.scatter(x, y, color = "black") plt.ion() plt.draw() plt.pause(5) 
