sql server - Optimized query for a subquery in sql -
i made query inventory of products follows:
select b.productid, c.productname, (select case when sum(qty) null 0 else sum(qty) end invoicedetails productid = b.productid) sold, (select case when sum(qtyreceive) null 0 else sum(qtyreceive) end purchaseorderdetails productid = b.productid) stocks, ((select case when sum(qtyreceive) null 0 else sum(qtyreceive) end purchaseorderdetails productid = b.productid) - (select case when sum(qty) null 0 else sum(qty) end invoicedetails productid = b.productid)) remainingstock invoicedetails right join purchaseorderdetails b on a.productid = b.productid inner join products c on b.productid = c.productid group b.productid, c.productname
this query returns data want, , runs fine in desktop, when deploy application runs query on lower specs laptop, slow , causes laptop hang. need on how optimize query or maybe change make more efficient... in advance
this data of invoicedetails table
so i've taken out subqueries in select, don't think these necessary @ all. i've moved around joins , given better aliases tables;
select b.productid, c.productname, isnull(sum(id.qty),0) sold, isnull(sum(pod.qtyreceive),0) stocks, isnull(sum(pod.qtyreceive),0) - isnull(sum(id.qty),0) remainingstock purchaseorderdetails pod inner join products pr on pr.productid = pod.productid left join invoicedetails id on id.productid = pod.productid group pod.productid, pr.productname
you joining 2 tables don't need subqueries in select @ all. i've wrapped sum in isnull ensure there no null errors.
i'd suggest using set statistics time,io on
@ beginning of code (with off command @ end). copy of text 'messages' tab statisticsparser.com. both queries , compare, check total cpu time , logical reads, want these both lower better performance. i'm betting logical reads drop new query.
ok, i've put new query based upon sample data. i've used fields need query it's simpler example.
sample data
create table #invoicedetails (productid int, qty int) insert #invoicedetails (productid,qty) values (3,50),(1,0),(2,1),(1,12),(2,1),(3,1),(1,1),(2,1),(1,1),(2,1) create table #purchaseorderdetails (productid int, qty int) insert #purchaseorderdetails (productid, qty) values (1,100),(2,20),(4,10),(1,12),(5,12),(4,12),(3,12),(2,20),(3,20),(4,20),(5,20) create table #products (productid int, productname varchar(20)) insert #products (productid, productname) values (1,'sample product'),(2,'dye ink cyan'),(3,'test product 1'),(4,'test product 2'),(5,'test product 3'),(1004,'testing product')
for this, here output of original query
productid productname sold stocks remainingstock 1 sample product 14 112 98 2 dye ink cyan 4 40 36 3 test product 1 51 32 -19 4 test product 2 0 42 42 5 test product 3 0 32 32
this re-written query i've used. note, there no subqueries within select statement, they're within joins should be. see we're aggregating in subqueries don't need in outer query too.
select pod.productid, pr.productname, isnull(id.qty,0) sold, isnull(pod.qty,0) stocks, isnull(pod.qty,0) - isnull(id.qty,0) remainingstock #products pr inner join (select productid, sum(qty) qty #purchaseorderdetails group productid) pod on pr.productid = pod.productid left join (select productid, sum(qty) qty #invoicedetails group productid) id on id.productid = pr.productid
and new output
productid productname sold stocks remainingstock 1 sample product 14 112 98 2 dye ink cyan 4 40 36 3 test product 1 51 32 -19 4 test product 2 0 42 42 5 test product 3 0 32 32
which matches original query.
i'd suggest trying query on machines , seeing performs better, try statistics time,io command mentioned previously.
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