angular - Angular2 how to call function on click event from another component -

i have 2 components : menu1and2 , menu3

here's menu1and2.component.html

<form id="form1" runat="server" class="mainmenucontainer">     <div class="col-lg-12" id="menucontainer" *ngfor="let menu of usermenus">         <div class="panel panel-default col-lg-6 col-md-6 col-sm-12">             <div class="panel-heading">{{menu.title}}</div>             <div class="panel-body">                 <ul class="sub" style="display: block;" *ngfor="let submenu of menu.submenus">                     <li><a href="#" (click)="getsubmenu(submenu.title)>{{submenu.title}}</a></li>                  </ul>              </div>         </div>     </div>  </form> 

it has click event calls function in menu3.component.ts retrieve datas should display in menu3.component.html

how make function of menu3 executed when menu1and2's click event clicked ?

er.i think you're going wrong solution.

i have solution use event dispatch,and other linster handler event.and works me in angular2(2.4.10)

@angular/cli: 1.0.0 node: 7.2.0 os: darwin x64 @angular/common: 2.4.10 @angular/compiler: 2.4.10 @angular/core: 2.4.10 @angular/forms: 2.4.10 @angular/http: 2.4.10 @angular/platform-browser: 2.4.10 @angular/platform-browser-dynamic: 2.4.10 @angular/router: 3.4.10 @angular/cli: 1.0.0 @angular/compiler-cli: 2.4.10 


import {injectable, eventemitter} "@angular/core"; import {definedevent} "../domain/definedevent"; import {loggerservice} "./loggerservice"; @injectable() export class eventservice {   private $event: eventemitter<definedevent>;     constructor(private loggerservice: loggerservice) {       this.$event = new eventemitter();   }    public trigger(type: string, value: any) {         this.loggerservice.debug("event has been triggered type:" + type);         this.$event.emit(new definedevent(type, value));   }    public on(type: string, callback: function): void {         this.$event.subscribe((item) => {             if (item.type === type && !!callback) {                 callback.apply(null, [item])             }         });     }  } 


export class definedevent {   readonly type: string;   readonly value: any;   readonly time: date;   constructor(type: string, value: any) {     this.type = type;     this.value = value;     this.time = new date();   } } 

and how use

1.declare provider in @ngmodule

@ngmodule({   declarations: [     ...   ],   imports: [     ...   ],   providers: [     ...     eventservice     ...   ],   bootstrap: [] }) 

2.add event handler

this.eventservice.on("gologin", (item) => {     console.log(item); }); 

3.dispatch event

this.eventservice.trigger("gologin", {}) , u can use anywhere can instance of eventservice.

warning. remember!!! keep instance of eventservice singleton in app


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