How to step into Angular 2 JavaScript code - import statements? -

i developing angular 2 application (exchangemodule) , receive following error when loading application: error: (systemjs) unexpected value 'frameworkservice' imported module 'exchangemodule'     error: unexpected value 'frameworkservice' imported module 'exchangemodule'         @ eval (         @ array.foreach (native)         @ compilemetadataresolver.getngmodulemetadata (         @ runtimecompiler._compilecomponents (         @ runtimecompiler._compilemoduleandcomponents (         @ runtimecompiler.compilemoduleasync (         @ platformref_._bootstrapmodulewithzone (         @ platformref_.bootstrapmodule (         @ object.eval (         @ eval (     evaluating     error loading 

i know how debug application code in chrome of webstorm don't understand how can step angular 2 code processes import statements error raised. putting breakpoint on import statement not - seems me angular 2 loads import statements en bloc there no benefit in putting breakpoint on selected import statement...


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