angularjs - Unknown provider: $scopeProvider <- $scope -

i trying make small test work validates wether controller defined.

the error receiving is:

myapp.orders module order controller should .... failed     error: [$injector:unpr] unknown provider: $scopeprovider <- $scope <- ordersctrl 

reading similar errors has dependencies, don't know what's wrong.


'use strict';  angular.module('myapp.orders', ['ngroute'])  .config(['$routeprovider', function($routeprovider) {   $routeprovider.when('/orders', {     templateurl: 'orders/orders.template.html',     controller: 'ordersctrl'   }); }])  .controller('ordersctrl', function($scope, $location) {   $scope.changeview = function(view){     $location.path(view); // path not hash   } }); 


'use strict';  describe('myapp.orders module', function() {    beforeeach(module('myapp.orders'));    describe('order controller', function(){      it('should ....', inject(function($controller) {       //spec body       var ordersctrl = $controller('ordersctrl');       expect(ordersctrl).tobedefined();     }));    }); }); 

this because not passing $scope variabl einside controller when creating in test. , controller tries define $scope.changeview, finds $scope undefined. need pass $scope variable controller in test.

var $rootscope, $scope, $controller;  beforeeach(function() {     module('myapp.orders');      inject(function (_$rootscope_, _$controller_) {         $rootscope = _$rootscope_;         $scope = _$rootscope_.$new();         $controller = _$controller_;     }); }); 

and in test,

var ordersctrl = $controller('ordersctrl', { $scope: $scope }); 


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