msbuild - Jenkins not finding a nuget package -

i'm setting jenkins ci server. got first step run properly:

nuget restore -noninteractive  -configfile nuget.config -verbosity detailed -nocache 

that works properly, when want compile app with:

c:\program files (x86)\microsoft visual studio\2017\professional\msbuild\15.0\bin\msbuild.exe 

and ${workspace}\src\ throws error:

c:\program files (x86)\microsoft visual studio\2017\professional\msbuild\microsoft\nuget\15.0\microsoft.nuget.targets(178,5): error : package hockeysdk.core version 4.1.6 not found in c:\windows\system32\config\systemprofile\.nuget\packages\. run nuget package restore download package. [c:\program files (x86)\jenkins\workspace\myapp\weather\] 

the weird thing hockey package exists in path: enter image description here

if run same command in vs2017 local project, runs smoothly. jenkins server (which in same machine) not build properly.

any ideas? thanks


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