http - Postman/ElasticSearch: Difference between results of curl vs one sent via postman -
following query not return correct data when fired postman. intention search data contains host == host-2
post - {{server}}/elasticsearch/{{index}}/_search { "query": { "query": { "query_string": { "query": "host:host-2", "analyze_wildcard": true } } } }
while curl command works fine:
curl -k -xpost 'https://{{server}}/elasticsearch/{{index}}/_search' -d '{ "query": { "query": { "query_string": { "query": "host:host-2", "analyze_wildcard": true } } } }'
also, following call returns correct results postman !!:
is because of '-d' sent via curl wasn't sent via postman? there other http format required sent postman?
ok - following works (prefixing server call https://). surprisingly, when remove https, gives me results of call instead of post !?
post - https://{{server}}/elasticsearch/{{index}}/_search { "query": { "query": { "query_string": { "query": "host:host-2", "analyze_wildcard": true } } } }
thanks @val
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