java - Issue with spring error-page and web.xml -

here web.xml:

<error-page>     <error-code>404</error-code>     <location>/error/404</location> </error-page> 

below controller class :

import org.springframework.stereotype.controller; import org.springframework.ui.modelmap; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.requestmapping; import org.springframework.web.servlet.modelandview; import javax.servlet.http.httpservletrequest;   @requestmapping(value = "/error") @controller public class errorcontroller {  @requestmapping(value = {"/307", "/400", "/401", "/403", "/404", "/405", "500", "503"}) public modelandview error(httpservletrequest request) throws exception {     string path = request.getservletpath().replace("/error/", "");     return new modelandview("redirect:/error/view/"+path); } 

if request error url this


it display 404 error-page change url


if invalid url requested, error page appears old url has changed. need fix old url not change , error page appears?

thanks :)

in case need use forward: instead of redirect:

redirect working on client side sending location header browser, that's why url changing.

forward working on server side choosing file send response browser.

but be careful forward, because lead security issue if use user-controlled input. in case attacker able to download file war (it depends on configuration in extremely cases able download compiled java classes).


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