function - How to output two different sets of random numbers in C++? -
so far, code:
#include <iostream> #include <time.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> using namespace std; int dealerroll(int dealerroll) { srand (time(null)); (int dealercount = 1; dealercount <= 3; dealercount++) { dealerroll = rand()% 6+1; cout << dealerroll << " "; } return dealerroll; } int playerroll(int playerroll) { srand (time(null)); (int playercount = 1; playercount <= 3; playercount++) { playerroll = rand()% 6+1; cout << playerroll << " "; } return playerroll; } int main() { int dealerroll; int playerroll; cout << "dealer's roll: " << endl; dealerroll(dealerroll); cout << endl << "your roll: " << endl; playerroll(playerroll); system ("pause"); return 0; }
my problem dealer , player's random (dice) roll same. output example:
dealer's roll: 1 6 3 roll: 1 6 3
how make player's roll different dealer's this?
dealer's roll: 1 6 3 roll: 4 2 5
it because resetting seed. needs done, unintuitively, once otherwise return same seemingly random number every time. (which have specific use cases that's you'd want do) once include line once @ top of execution, not on each successive loop through functions.
srand (time(null));
reference other more in-depth answer on topic.
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